SGU[151] Construct a triangle



Find coordinates of any triangle ABC if it is know that |AB|=c, |AC|=b, |AM|=m, AM is a median of triangle.

找到任何一个三角形ABC,使得它满足|AB| = c,|AC| = b,|AM| = m,其中AM为三角形的中线。



There are three real numbers in input: c, b, m (0<c,b,m<=10^3) separated by a space. Length of the fractional part of each number is not greater than 2 digits.

输入中包含三个实数:c, b, m (0 < c, b, m <= 10^3),以空格分隔。每个数字的小数部分的长度不超过2位。



If solution exists, write three lines. Write coordinates of point A to first line, coordinates of B to second line and coordinates of C to third line. Separate numbers by a space; absolute value of each coordinate must not exceed 10^4. Write numbers with 5 digits after decimal point. If there is no solution, write "Mission impossible"

如果存在方案,输出三行。第一行为点A的坐标,第二行为点B的坐标,第三行为点C的坐标。数字之间以空格分隔。每个坐标的绝对值不能超过10^4。保留5位小数。如果不存在这样的方案,输出“Mission impossible”。

Sample Input


5 5 3

Sample Output


0.00000 3.00000

-4.00000 0.00000

4.00000 0.00000



解析几何的题目,因为是任意输出一个三角形ABC,为了简化计算,我们不妨令点A为坐标原点,即A(0, 0)。

同时,我们可以令点B在x轴上,即B(c, 0)。


设C(x, y),则M((x + c) / 2, y / 2)。得方程组:

x^2 + y^2 = b^2                ( 1 )

((x + c) / 2)^2 + (y / 2)^2 = m^2        ( 2 )

将上面两个式子联立,化简即可得到:x = (4 * m^2 - b^2 - c^2) / (2 * c),则y = sqrt(b^2 - x^2)。





#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <math.h>

using namespace std;

int Check(double x);

int main()
	double c, b, m;
	while(cin >> c >> b >> m)
		double x = (4 * m * m - b * b - c * c) / (2 * c), y = b * b - x * x;
		if(Check(y) >= 0)
			if(Check(x) == 0) { x = 0; }
			if(Check(y) == 0) { y = 0; }
			cout << fixed << setprecision(5) << 0.0 << " " << 0.0 << endl;
			cout << fixed << setprecision(5) << c << " " << 0.0 << endl;
			cout << fixed << setprecision(5) << x << " " << sqrt(y) << endl;
		else { cout << "Mission impossible" << endl; }
	return 0;

int Check(double x)
	if(fabs(x) < 1E-9) { return 0; }
	else { return x > 0 ? 1 : -1; }





时间: 2025-01-01 02:43:48

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