Andre Levchenko, PhD


JHU biomedical engineering faculty

Andre Levchenko, PhD

Professor of Biomedical Engineering

Office: Clark 208C
Lab: Signal Transduction and Cell-Cell Communication Lab
(410) 516-5584
[email protected]


Eng.Sc.D., Bioengineering, Columbia University, 1992
M.S., Bioengineering, Columbia University, 1995
M.S., Biophysics, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, 1992

Research Interests

Intracellular Signal Transduction and Cell-Cell Communication

The advent of the New Biology characterized by high throughput technologies and recombinant DNA technologies
and novel imaging techniques has revolutionized our approach to doing science. In particular, Systems Biology is
developing by taking an integrated closed-loop approach, in which theory guides the way experiments are performed
and experiments help refine theory. Our lab is taking this approach by combining molecular biology, microfabrication
and imaging techniques and combining them with the state of the art modeling studies to investigate how living cells
can sense their environment and how this sensing ability can help them establish communication leading to complex
ensemble responses. We are studying, by modeling and experiment, MAPK, NF-?B, PKA and PI3K signal
transduction pathways in eukaryotes. These pathways have been implicated in all vital cellular functions, such as cell
cycle, locomotion and apoptosis, and various pathologies, including cancer and AIDS. We are also studying the ways
simple organisms can display complex behavior in formation of biofilms and other superstructures implicated in over
65% of bacterial infections. In addition, we are exploring novel mechanisms of cell-cell communication involving
physical transfer of cell membrane components between eukaryotic cells. Finally, we integrate the experimentally
validated models and relate them to gene network regulation and other cell responses.

Publications Search

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Selected Publications

Levchenko, A., Bruck, J. and Sternberg, P.W. Scaffold proteins can alter multiple parameters of MAP kinase
signaling modules. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, 97(11):5818-23 (2000)

Levchenko, A. Computational cell biology in the post-genomic era. Molecular Biology Reports (in press)

Levchenko, A., Iglesias, P.A. Models of eukaryotic gradient sensing: application to chemotaxis of amoebae and
neutrophils, Biophysical Journal 82: 50-63 (2002)

Levchenko, A., Bruck, J. and Sternberg, P.W. Combination of the biphasic response regulation and positive
feedback as a general regulatory mechanism in homeostasis and signal transduction. In Foundations of Systems
, ed. H. Kitano, MIT Press, 2002

Shapiro, B.E., Levchenko, A. and Mjolsness, E. Automatic model generation for signal transduction with
applications to MAPK pathway. In Foundations of Systems Biology, ed. H. Kitano, MIT Press, 2002.

时间: 2024-08-17 01:32:40

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