Java 语法 索引 ----- 字符串(String)


String a = "Hello";
String b = new String(" World");

String c = a+b; // Hello World
          a += b; // Hello World

String x = "Hello " + "World";


boolean x = a.equals(b); // compares string
boolean y = (a == b); // compares address


StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("Hello");

sb.append(" World"); // add to end of string 添加
sb.delete(0, 5); // remove 5 first characters 删除
sb.insert(0, "Hello"); // insert string at beginning 插入

String s = sb.toString();

Java 语法 索引 ----- 字符串(String),布布扣,

时间: 2024-12-19 17:29:48

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