$$ Shell本身的PID(ProcessID)
$! Shell最后运行的后台Process的PID
$? 最后运行的命令的结束代码(返回值)
$- 使用Set命令设定的Flag一览
$* 所有参数列表。如"$*"用「"」括起来的情况、以"$1 $2 … $n"的形式输出所有参数。
[email protected] 所有参数列表。如"[email protected]"用「"」括起来的情况、以"$1" "$2" … "$n" 的形式输出所有参数。
$# 添加到Shell的参数个数
$0 Shell本身的文件名
$1~$n 添加到Shell的各参数值。$1是第1参数、$2是第2参数…。
printf "The complete list is %s\n" "$$"
printf "The complete list is %s\n" "$!"
printf "The complete list is %s\n" "$?"
printf "The complete list is %s\n" "$*"
printf "The complete list is %s\n" "[email protected]"
printf "The complete list is %s\n" "$#"
printf "The complete list is %s\n" "$0"
printf "The complete list is %s\n" "$1"
printf "The complete list is %s\n" "$2"
[[email protected] ~]$ bash params.sh 123456 QQ
The complete list is 24249
The complete list is
The complete list is 0
The complete list is 123456 QQ
The complete list is 123456
The complete list is QQ
The complete list is 2
The complete list is params.sh
The complete list is 123456
The complete list is QQ
时间: 2025-01-01 07:52:33