ADF_Desktop Integration系列1_ADF桌面集成入门之设定Development Environment

2013-05-01 Created By BaoXinjian


本教程介绍开发一个简单的Excel WorkSheet并与Fusion Web Application进行整合,将页面转换为Desktop Excel用以用户上传资料

案例目的:创建一个Query ExcelWorksheet用以查询Employee,创建一个Query/Update/Delete Excel Worksheet用以增删改Department


Part 1: Configuring the Environment to Support Desktop Integration

Step 1: Enable Microsoft .Net Programmability Support

Step 2: Install the Oracle ADF 11g Desktop Integration Add-in for Excel

Step 3: Configure Excel to Run an Integrated Excel Workbook

Step 4: Load the Startup Fusion Web Application

Step 5: Check the Application‘s Database Connection

Part 2: Developing a Simple ADF Desktop Integration-enabled Excel Workbook

Step 1: Creating the DepartmentsList Workbook

Step 2: Testing the DepartmentsList Workbook

Part 3: Developing a More Refined ADF Desktop Integration-enabled Excel Workbook

Step 1: Creating the EditDept_LOV Workbook

Step 2: Setting Worksheet and Table Properties

Step 3: Defining a Query Ribbon Command

Step 4: Defining a Delete Rows Ribbon Command

Step 5: Defining an Upload Ribbon Command

Step 6: Testing the EditDept_LOV Workbook

Part 4: Publishing the Workbooks

Step 1: Publishing the DepartmentsList Workbook

Step 2: Publishing the EditDept_LOV Workbook

1: Enable Microsoft .Net Programmability Support

Step1. 确认本机已经安装 Microsoft.Net

2: Install the Oracle ADF 11g Desktop Integration Add-in for Excel

Step1. 安装ADF 11g Desktop Integration

Step.2 现在完成后,进行自定义安装

Step3. 安装完成

3: Configure Excel to Run an Integrated Excel Workbook

Step1. 设定Excel宏设置,启动宏

4: Load the Startup Fusion Web Application

Step1.  ADF Desktop安装后,下载ADFdi_BC并导入该Application,因为该包中存在测试数据的Business Component

Step2. 查看打开的ADF下载包Application

5: Check the Application‘s Database Connection

Step1. 创建DB Connection

Step2. 运行该测试AM,查看数据是否正常

Thanks and Regards

参考:Oracle - Oracle JDeveloper 11g Release 2 Tutorials

时间: 2024-08-26 22:21:12

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