(copy) DBAN vs nwipe

source: https://sourceforge.net/p/dban/discussion/208932/thread/cb591b59/

Trouble in running DBAN on Dell notebook (Vista Home Premium, 64-bit).
Booted from the CD, but got the "PCI sysfs" error and the program just hung.
Based on research in this forum, tried seeing if there was a media card reader needed to disable - but not find one.
Came across another good suggestion - using the "nwipe" ISO (forked from DBAN‘s dwipe) included in Parted Magic.

This method seems to be working (DoD Short wiping is ongoing), but want to make sure DoD Short on nwipe is just as effective as DoD short on DBAN.
Parted Magic has a GUI and I was instructed to remove the boot media after Parted Magic booted completely.
Just wondering how nwipe successfully erases hard drive without destroying itself in the process.
I don‘t believe I created a partition of any kind - when Parted Magic booted, I just started nwipe.

I‘m the author of nwipe, and can tell you that the wiping code for DBAN and nwipe is exactly the same (nwipe is a fork of the DBAN software).
Therefore, the effectiveness of the wipe is identical.

Parted Magic loads itself into memory, which means the CD can be removed.
It doesn‘t rely on a hard disk to store anything, which allows it to completely wipe the disk without affecting itself.

时间: 2024-07-28 15:13:12

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例子: NSString *houseOfMM = [[NSString alloc] initWithString:'MM的三室两厅']; 上面一段代码会执行以下两个动作:  1 在堆上分配一段内存用来存储@' MM的三室两厅 ' ,比如:内存地址为 0X1111  内容为 ' MM的三室两厅' ,  2 在栈上分配一段内存用来存储 houseForWife ,比如:地址为 0XAAAA  内容自然为 0X1111 下面分别看下(assign,retain,copy):  1.assign的情

assign, retain, weak, strong, copy,unsafe_unretain

readonly, readwrite:是控制属性的访问权限,readonly只生成getter方法,其他类是无法修改其值的.readwrite是会同时生成getter和setter方法,其他类可以修改其值. assign, retain, weak, strong, copy,unsafe_unretained:在non-ARC中,assign和retain是一组,assign的对象属性引用计数不变,而retain会被+1.对应的在ARC中,weak和strong是一组,weak的对象属性引用

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import copya = [1, 2, 3, 4, ['a', 'b']]  #原始对象b = a  #赋值,传对象的引用c = copy.copy(a)  #对象拷贝,浅拷贝d = copy.deepcopy(a)  #对象拷贝,深拷贝a.append(5)  #修改对象aprint a [1, 2, 3, 4, ['a', 'b'], 5] >>> print b [1, 2, 3, 4, ['a', 'b'], 5] >>> print c [1, 2, 3,

copy, retain, assign , readonly , readwrite,strong,weak,nonatomic整理

copy:建立一个索引计数为1的对象,然后释放旧对象 对NSString对NSString 它指出,在赋值时使用传入值的一份拷贝.拷贝工作由copy方法执行,此属性只对那些实行了NSCopying协议的对象类型有效.更深入的讨论,请参考“复制”部分. retain:释放旧的对象,将旧对象的值赋予输入对象,再提高输入对象的索引计数为1对其他NSObject和其子类对参数进行release旧值,再retain新值指定retain会在赋值时唤醒传入值的retain消息.此属性只能用于Objective

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