#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import cx_Oracle import string from email import encoders from email.header import Header from email.mime.text import MIMEText from email.utils import parseaddr, formataddr import smtplib import sys import getopt import re opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], ‘H:‘) p = re.compile(r"^((?:(2[0-4]\d)|(25[0-5])|([01]?\d\d?))\.){3}(?:(2[0-4]\d)|(255[0-5])|([01]?\d\d?))$") ip = opts[0][1] flag = p.match(ip) if not flag: sys.exit() mail_host = ‘smtp.qq.com‘ mail_user = ‘[email protected]‘ mail_pwd = ‘12312312‘ to_list = [ ‘[email protected]‘, ‘[email protected]‘ ] conn = cx_Oracle.connect(‘read/[email protected]%s/test‘ % ip) cursor = conn.cursor () cursor.execute (‘‘‘ select max(sequence#) from v$archived_log where dest_id=1 and thread#=%s ‘‘‘ % ‘1‘) #rows = cursor.fetchall() rows = cursor.fetchone() thread1Primary = rows[0] cursor.execute (‘‘‘ select max(sequence#) from v$log_history where thread#=%s ‘‘‘ % ‘1‘) rows = cursor.fetchone() thread1Standby = rows[0] cursor.execute (‘‘‘ select max(sequence#) from v$archived_log where dest_id=1 and thread#=%s ‘‘‘ % ‘2‘) rows = cursor.fetchone() thread2Primary = rows[0] cursor.execute (‘‘‘ select max(sequence#) from v$log_history where thread#=%s ‘‘‘ % ‘2‘) rows = cursor.fetchone() thread2Standby = rows[0] # print (",").join(map(lambda x: str(x),row)) cursor.close () conn.close () diffThread1 = thread1Primary - thread1Standby diffThread2 = thread2Primary - thread2Standby #msg = u‘‘‘ # DATAGUARD SYNC ERROR # thread1Primary = %s # thread1Standby = %s # thread2Primary = %s # thread2Standby = %s #‘‘‘ % (str(thread1Primary),str(thread1Standby),str(thread2Primary),str(thread2Standby)) # # #print msg if diffThread1 != 0 or diffThread2 !=0: msg = u‘ DATAGUARD ERROR : thread1Primary = %s thread1Standby = %s thread2Primary = %s thread2Standby = %s ‘ % (str(thread1Primary),str(thread1Standby),str(thread2Primary),str(thread2Standby)) sys.exit(2) else: msg = u‘ DATAGUARD OK : thread1Primary = %s thread1Standby = %s thread2Primary = %s thread2Standby = %s ‘ % (str(thread1Primary),str(thread1Standby),str(thread2Primary),str(thread2Standby)) print msg # send_email( msg, to_list, ‘DATAGUARD SYNC ERROR‘)
时间: 2025-01-04 15:21:03