Hive 报错SemanticException Error in parsing

以下sql执行时报错SemanticException Error in parsing

from zcfw_sda.sda03_asset_info clr
left join qz_sda.sda03_withdraw w
on clr.contract_code = w.contract_no
and w.etl_tx_dt = ${v_dt2num}
left join qz_sda.sda03_withdraw_apply wa
on w.withdraw_apply_no = wa.withdraw_apply_no
and wa.etl_tx_dt = ${v_dt2num}
--left join qz_sda.sda03_user u
--on wa.user_id =
--and u.etl_tx_dt = ${v_dt2num}
where clr.etl_tx_dt =20191103
and to_date(clr.loan_time) =‘2019-11-03‘
and clr.contract_code=‘2191103751278446‘





from zcfw_sda.sda03_asset_info clr
left join qz_sda.sda03_withdraw w
on clr.contract_code = w.contract_no
and w.etl_tx_dt = ${v_dt2num}
left join qz_sda.sda03_withdraw_apply wa
on w.withdraw_apply_no = wa.withdraw_apply_no
and wa.etl_tx_dt = ${v_dt2num}
--left join qz_sda.sda03_user u
--on wa.user_id =
--and u.etl_tx_dt = ${v_dt2num}
where clr.etl_tx_dt =20191103
and to_date(clr.loan_time) =‘2019-11-03‘
and clr.contract_code=‘2191103751278446‘


时间: 2024-12-12 13:24:52

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