Bentley LumenRT 2015.5 Build 2015502058 Win64+Perla Premium Build 2754

Bentley LumenRT 2015.5 Build 2015502058 Win64 1DVD
Mentor Graphics Calibre 2015.1 Linux 1DVD
Perla Premium Build 2754 1CD

CAE辅助分析的Enmesh GoSimulate v1.4.1
Enmesh GoSimulate v1.4.1是一款通过综合传热和应力计算到设计过程的方式的革命性的设计软件,具有快速


Enmesh GoSimulate改变了你的设计,最小化的假设通过允许连续的模拟结果,以推动实现优化设计的过程。不



处置复杂的几何体。Enmesh GoSimulate v1.4.1跳过了繁琐、费时、和创建简化CAD模型及自动生成自适应网格





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BabelColor Color Translator & Analyzer (CT&A) v4.5.0, PatchTool v4.7.0
ET SpatialTechniques Products v11.2 for ArcGIS 10.3, 10.2, 10.1, 10.0, 9.3 1CD
Intrepid.Geophysics.GeoModeller.2014.v3.2.0.Win64 1CD 3D地质建模
ESI_VAOne_2015.0_Win64 全频振动声学分析
FARO.Technologies.Blitz.v1.0.0.10 交通事故取证工具

Analytical.Graphics.STK.Pro.v9.21 1DVD

Golden.Software.Strater.v3.2.637 1CD

Golden.Software.Voxler.v3.3.1843 1CD

Data East Xtools Pro 9.1 1CD

Gemcom Whittle.v4.5 1CD

FAST Survey 3.1.0 22 1CD

IES.VisualPlate.v1.00.0006 1CD

Maplesoft MapleSim 6.1 Win32_64 2CD

Delcam.Exchange.v2013.R4 1CD

CSI.SAP2000.v15.2.1.StandAlone 1CD

IES.ShapeBuilder.v6.00.0011 1CD

Cadence SPB OrCAD 16.60.007 Hotfix 1CD

Graitec.Advance.Suite.2013 Win32_64-ISO 1DVD 1DVD

MecaStack v5.1.9.7 1CD

Oasys.Suite.v11.0.Win32 1CD

Ansys Q3D Extractor 12.0 Win64 1DVD

Ansys.HFSS.Antenna.Design. Kit.v2.1 1CD

Ansys.Simplorer.AK30.Library.v8.0 1CD

Ansys.SIwave.v7.0.Win64 1DVD

Autodesk.Product.Design.Suite.Ultimate.v2014.Win32_64-ISO 2DVD

Dassault.Systemes.Isight.v5.7.Win32_64-ISO 1DVD

IES.QuickConcreteWall.v2.00.0003 1CD

Oasys.Frew.v19.1.1.15 1CD

Oasys.Pile.v19.4.0.4 1CD

Oasys.Safe.v19.0.5.44 1CD

Oasys.Slope.v19.0.3.15 1CD

Oasys.Xdisp.v19.3.1.25 1CD

VMGSim v7.0 Build 51 1CD

E3.Series 2012 Build 1110 Win32 1DVD

ESRI CityEngine 2012.1 Advanced Win32_64 2CD

IES.QuickRWall.v3.00.0005 1CD

iMold v12 SP0 for SolidWorks 2011-2013 Win32_64 2CD

时间: 2024-10-27 19:26:10

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