Source Monitor is a code analyzing tool that is capable of finding the complexity for Java, C++.C.C#.Delphi.Visual Basic and HTML source codes. It's a standalone software which does not rely upon any specific IDE to work. What's even better is that i
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Exploring Python Code Objects Inspired by David Beazley's Keynote at PyCon, I've been digging around in code objects in Python lately. I don't have a particular axe to grind, nor some
原文地址: 基于CPOL License Identify Memory Leaks in Visual CPP Applications Visual Leak Detector (VLD) is an easy to use memory leak detection system. The installat
记录下吧!以免以后下载时候又不知道下载那个: Eclipse IDE for Java Developers 是为java开发的 Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers 是为J2EE开发的 Eclipse for RCP/Plug-in Developers 是为RCP和插件开发的 Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers 是为C/C++开发的Eclipse Classic 3.3.2 是它的经典版本 各版本的区别:Eclips
<Base64 Encode/Decode for LoadRunner>这篇文章介绍了如何在LoadRunner中对字符串进行Base64的编码和解码: 在头文件中封装b64_encode_string和b64_decode_string函数: /*Base 64 Encode and Decode functions for Loa
基于Qt开发的第三方库 分类: Qt2014-02-12 11:34 1738人阅读 评论(0) 收藏 举报 QT第三方库 目录(?)[+] 文章来源: QxOrm QxOrm is a new open source ORM (Object Relational Mapping) C++ library designed to provide : * Persistence (based on
Modern flowchart for mobile, server, and etc.. communication This has something to do with these source codes: For the server side, Make them real service structure flow