iPad keyboard will not dismiss if modal view controller presentation style is UIModalPresentationFor

在ipad上present 一个 navigation controller 时,present后弹出的keyboard,不能够 dismiss 掉。即使 textfield resignFirstResponder,keyboard也不会消失。


在iPad keyboard上发现一个问题,当viewController在navigation controller下以模态视图弹出,并且navigationController.modalPresentationStyle = UIModalPresentationFormSheet时,点击done按钮,软键盘不撤销,即使 textfield resignFirstResponder了。


当模态视图在 UINavigationControlle下显示,我们需要设置 navigation controller的disablesAutomaticKeyboardDismissal属性,我们可以通过添加类别实现这个。

File: UINavigationController+KeyboardDismiss.h


@interface UINavigationController (KeyboardDismiss)

- (BOOL)disablesAutomaticKeyboardDismissal;


File: UINavigationController+KeyboardDismiss.m

#import "UINavigationController+KeyboardDismiss.h"

@implementation UINavigationController(KeyboardDismiss)

- (BOOL)disablesAutomaticKeyboardDismissal


return NO;




iPad keyboard will not dismiss if modal view controller presentation style is UIModalPresentationFor

时间: 2024-08-06 11:58:33

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