python3安装 feedparser


how to install feedparser on python3

Approach A: Using Pip

best method for installing FeedParser (or almost any Python package) is
by using pip, Python‘s package manager. pip will be installed by
default alongside Python as of Python 3.4 (and Python 2.7.9). Since the
latest version of Python (as of time of editing) is Python 3.5, this is
really the approach you should be taking whenever possible.

To run pip, do the following:

Open the command line. You can do this by clicking start, then typing cmd in the run textbox.
    Make sure you are connected to the internet.
    Type in pip install feedparser and hit enter (and wait for pip to download and install FeedParser)

You‘re done! Open up IDLE and type in import feedparser to confirm.

If attempting to use pip fails for some reason, try...

Typing in C:\Python34\Scripts\pip install feedparser (or wherever you installed Python)
Closing the command line, and re-opening it in admin mode (click start,
type ‘cmd‘, right-click, select "Run as Administrator"), if it‘s
failing due to permission errors

you would like to learn more about pip, or need help setting it up on
older versions of Python, see this

Approach B: Manual install

If, for some reason, you are unable to use pip, you can always try doing a manual install.
Part A: Prerequisites:

needs a module named setuptools in order to install. Unfortunately,
setuptools isn‘t compatible with Python 3.x, but you can use something
called Distribute as a convenient replacement. If you already have this
installed, you can skip Part A.

Download the "installer" here: This is a Python
script that will download the required components from the internet and
install Distribute for you.

Open the command line. You can do this by clicking start, then typing
cmd in the run textbox. Navigate over to the folder containing by using cd. On my system, I typed cd

Type python (and if that doesn‘t work,
C:\Python32\python.exe (or wherever you did install
Python)). A bunch of text should appear and scroll by.

Part B: Actually installing feedparser:

Download and extract the latest file from here:

Navigate in the command line to where the extracted feedparser folder
is by using the cd command. For example, on my computer, I typed:

cd C:\Users\Michael0x2a\Downloads\feedparser-5.1\feedparser-5.1

(Your version number will probably differ. For example, you might have feedparser-5.3 or something)

Make sure the folder you‘re in has the readme, various other docs, and To check, type dir into the command line. It should list the
files and folders there.

Type python install (or C:\Python34\python.exe install.). Text should appear and slowly scroll by.

You‘re done! Open up IDLE and type import feedparser to confirm.

时间: 2024-10-19 13:11:23

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