Intel Sandy Bridge Microarchitecture Events

This is a list of all Intel Sandy Bridge Microarchitecture performance counter event types. Please see Intel Architecture Developer‘s Manual Volume 3B, Appendix A and Intel Architecture Optimization Reference Manual (730795-001)



Counters usable

Unit mask options


Clock cycles when not halted




Unhalted reference cycles


0x01: No unit mask?


number of instructions retired




Last level cache demand requests from this core that missed the LLC


0x41: No unit mask?


Last level cache demand requests from this core


0x4f: No unit mask?


number of branch instructions retired




number of mispredicted branches retired (precise)




blocked loads


0x01: (name=data_unknown) blocked loads due to store buffer blocks with unknown data.?

0x02: (name=store_forward) loads blocked by overlapping with store buffer that cannot be forwarded?

0x08: (name=no_sr) This event counts the number of times that split load operations are temporarily blocked because all resources for handling the split accesses are in use.?

0x10: (name=all_block) Number of cases where any load is blocked but has no DCU miss.?


Misaligned memory references


0x01: (name=loads) Speculative cache-line split load uops dispatched to the L1D.?

0x02: (name=stores) Speculative cache-line split Store-address uops dispatched to L1D?


Partial loads


0x01: (name=address_alias) False dependencies in MOB due to partial compare on address?

0x08: (name=all_sta_block) This event counts the number of times that load operations are temporarily blocked because of older stores, with addresses that are not yet known. A load operation may incur more than one block of this type.?


D-TLB misses


0x01: (name=miss_causes_a_walk) Miss in all TLB levels causes an page walk of any page size (4K/2M/4M/1G)?

0x02: (name=walk_completed) Miss in all TLB levels causes a page walk that completes of any page size (4K/2M/4M/1G)?

0x04: (name=walk_duration) Cycles PMH is busy with this walk?

0x10: (name=stlb_hit) First level miss but second level hit; no page walk.?


Instruction decoder events


0x40: (name=rat_stall_cycles) Cycles Resource Allocation Table (RAT) external stall is sent to Instruction Decode Queue (IDQ) for this thread.?

0x03: (name=recovery_cycles) Number of cycles waiting to be recover after Nuke due to all other cases except JEClear.?

0x03: (name=recovery_stalls_count) Edge applied to recovery_cycles, thus counts occurrences.?


Number of Uops issued


0x01: (name=any) Number of Uops issued by the Resource Allocation Table (RAT) to the Reservation Station (RS)?

0x01: (name=stall_cycles) cycles no uops issued by this thread.?


Misc ALU events


0x01: (name=fpu_div_active) Cycles that the divider is busy with any divide or sqrt operation.?

0x01: (name=fpu_div) Number of times that the divider is actived, includes INT, SIMD and FP.?


Number of instructions written to Instruction Queue (IQ) this cycle.


0x01: No unit mask?


Requests from L2 cache


0x01: (name=demand_data_rd_hit) Demand Data Read hit L2, no rejects?

0x04: (name=rfo_hit) RFO requests that hit L2 cache?

0x08: (name=rfo_miss) RFO requests that miss L2 cache?

0x10: (name=code_rd_hit) L2 cache hits when fetching instructions, code reads.?

0x20: (name=code_rd_miss) L2 cache misses when fetching instructions?

0x40: (name=pf_hit) Requests from the L2 hardware prefetchers that hit L2 cache?

0x80: (name=pf_miss) Requests from the L2 hardware prefetchers that miss L2 cache?

0x03: (name=all_demand_data_rd) Any data read request to L2 cache?

0x0c: (name=all_rfo) Any data RFO request to L2 cache?

0x30: (name=all_code_rd) Any code read request to L2 cache?

0xc0: (name=all_pf) Any L2 HW prefetch request to L2 cache?


L2 cache store lock requests


0x0f: (name=all) RFOs that access cache lines in any state?

0x01: (name=miss) RFO (as a result of regular RFO or Lock request) miss cache - I state?

0x04: (name=hit_e) RFO (as a result of regular RFO or Lock request) hits cache in E state?

0x08: (name=hit_m) RFO (as a result of regular RFO or Lock request) hits cache in M state?


writebacks from L1D to the L2 cache


0x04: (name=hit_e) writebacks from L1D to L2 cache lines in E state?

0x08: (name=hit_m) writebacks from L1D to L2 cache lines in M state?


Cycles with L1D load Misses outstanding.


0x01: (name=pending) Cycles with L1D load Misses outstanding.?

0x01: (name=occurences) This event counts the number of L1D misses outstanding occurences.?


D-TLB store misses


0x01: (name=miss_causes_a_walk) Miss in all TLB levels causes an page walk of any page size (4K/2M/4M/1G)?

0x02: (name=walk_completed) Miss in all TLB levels causes a page walk that completes of any page size (4K/2M/4M/1G)?

0x04: (name=walk_duration) Cycles PMH is busy with this walk?

0x10: (name=stlb_hit) First level miss but second level hit; no page walk. Only relevant if multiple levels.?


Load dispatches that hit fill buffer


0x01: (name=sw_pf) Load dispatches that hit fill buffer allocated for S/W prefetch.?

0x02: (name=hw_pf) Load dispatches that hit fill buffer allocated for HW prefetch.?


Hardware Prefetch requests


0x02: No unit mask?


L1D cache events


0x01: (name=replacement) L1D Data line replacements.?

0x02: (name=allocated_in_m) L1D M-state Data Cache Lines Allocated?

0x04: (name=eviction) L1D M-state Data Cache Lines Evicted due to replacement (only)?

0x08: (name=all_m_replacement) All Modified lines evicted out of L1D?


Partial RAT stalls


0x20: (name=flags_merge_uop) Number of perf sensitive flags-merge uops added by Sandy Bridge u-arch.?

0x40: (name=slow_lea_window) Number of cycles with at least 1 slow Load Effective Address (LEA) uop being allocated.?

0x80: (name=mul_single_uop) Number of Multiply packed/scalar single precision uops allocated?

0x20: (name=flags_merge_uop_cycles) Cycles with perf sensitive flags-merge uops added by SandyBridge u-arch.?


Misc resource stalls


0x40: (name=bob_full) Cycles Allocator is stalled due Branch Order Buffer (BOB).?

0x0f: (name=all_prf_control) Resource stalls2 control structures full for physical registers?

0x0c: (name=all_fl_empty) Cycles with either free list is empty?

0x4f: (name=ooo_rsrc) Resource stalls2 control structures full Physical Register Reclaim Table (PRRT), Physical History Table (PHT), INT or SIMD Free List (FL), Branch Order Buffer (BOB)?


Unhalted core cycles in specific rings


0x01: (name=ring0) Unhalted core cycles the Thread was in Rings 0.?

0x01: (name=ring0_trans) Transitions from ring123 to Ring0.?

0x02: (name=ring123) Unhalted core cycles the Thread was in Rings 1/2/3.?


Events for the reservation station


0x01: No unit mask?


Offcore outstanding transactions


0x01: (name=demand_data_rd) Offcore outstanding Demand Data Read transactions in the SuperQueue (SQ), queue to uncore, every cycle. Includes L1D data hardware prefetches.?

0x01: (name=cycles_with_demand_data_rd) cycles there are Offcore outstanding RD data transactions in the SuperQueue (SQ), queue to uncore.?

0x02: (name=demand_code_rd) Offcore outstanding Code Reads transactions in the SuperQueue (SQ), queue to uncore, every cycle.?

0x04: (name=demand_rfo) Offcore outstanding RFO (store) transactions in the SuperQueue (SQ), queue to uncore, every cycle.?

0x08: (name=all_data_rd) Offcore outstanding all cacheable Core Data Read transactions in the SuperQueue (SQ), queue to uncore, every cycle.?

0x08: (name=cycles_with_data_rd) Cycles there are Offcore outstanding all Data read transactions in the SuperQueue (SQ), queue to uncore, every cycle.?

0x02: (name=cycles_with_demand_code_rd) Cycles with offcore outstanding Code Reads transactions in the SuperQueue (SQ), queue to uncore, every cycle.?

0x04: (name=cycles_with_demand_rfo) Cycles with offcore outstanding demand RFO Reads transactions in the SuperQueue (SQ), queue to uncore, every cycle.?


Cycles due to LOCK prefixes.


0x01: (name=split_lock_uc_lock_duration) Cycles in which the L1D and L2 are locked, due to a UC lock or split lock?

0x02: (name=cache_lock_duration) cycles that theL1D is locked?


Instruction Decode Queue events


0x02: (name=empty) Cycles the Instruction Decode Queue (IDQ) is empty.?

0x04: (name=mite_uops) Number of uops delivered to Instruction Decode Queue (IDQ) from MITE path.?

0x08: (name=dsb_uops) Number of uops delivered to Instruction Decode Queue (IDQ) from Decode Stream Buffer (DSB) path.?

0x10: (name=ms_dsb_uops) Number of Uops delivered into Instruction Decode Queue (IDQ) when MS_Busy, initiated by Decode Stream Buffer (DSB).?

0x20: (name=ms_mite_uops) Number of Uops delivered into Instruction Decode Queue (IDQ) when MS_Busy, initiated by MITE.?

0x30: (name=ms_uops) Number of Uops were delivered into Instruction Decode Queue (IDQ) from MS, initiated by Decode Stream Buffer (DSB) or MITE.?

0x30: (name=ms_cycles) Number of cycles that Uops were delivered into Instruction Decode Queue (IDQ) when MS_Busy, initiated by Decode Stream Buffer (DSB) or MITE.?

0x04: (name=mite_cycles) Cycles MITE is active?

0x08: (name=dsb_cycles) Cycles Decode Stream Buffer (DSB) is active?

0x10: (name=ms_dsb_cycles) Cycles Decode Stream Buffer (DSB) Microcode Sequenser (MS) is active?

0x10: (name=ms_dsb_occur) Occurences of Decode Stream Buffer (DSB) Microcode Sequenser (MS) going active?

0x18: (name=all_dsb_cycles_any_uops) Cycles Decode Stream Buffer (DSB) is delivering anything?

0x18: (name=all_dsb_cycles_4_uops) Cycles Decode Stream Buffer (DSB) is delivering 4 Uops?

0x24: (name=all_mite_cycles_any_uops) Cycles MITE is delivering anything?

0x24: (name=all_mite_cycles_4_uops) Cycles MITE is delivering 4 Uops?

0x3c: (name=mite_all_uops) Number of uops delivered to Instruction Decode Queue (IDQ) from any path.?


Instruction cache events


0x02: No unit mask?


I-TLB misses


0x01: (name=miss_causes_a_walk) Miss in all TLB levels causes an page walk of any page size (4K/2M/4M)?

0x02: (name=walk_completed) Miss in all TLB levels causes a page walk that completes of any page size (4K/2M/4M)?

0x04: (name=walk_duration) Cycles PMH is busy with this walk.?

0x10: (name=stlb_hit) First level miss but second level hit; no page walk.?


Instruction decoding stalls


0x01: (name=lcp) Stall "occurrences" due to length changing prefixes (LCP).?

0x04: (name=iq_full) Stall cycles when instructions cannot be written because the Instruction Queue (IQ) is full.?


Branch instructions


0xff: (name=all_branches) All branch instructions executed.?

0x41: (name=nontaken_conditional) All macro conditional nontaken branch instructions.?

0x81: (name=taken_conditional) All macro conditional taken branch instructions.?

0x82: (name=taken_direct_jump) All macro unconditional taken branch instructions, excluding calls and indirects.?

0x84: (name=taken_indirect_jump_non_call_ret) All taken indirect branches that are not calls nor returns.?

0x88: (name=taken_indirect_near_return) All taken indirect branches that have a return mnemonic.?

0x90: (name=taken_direct_near_call) All taken non-indirect calls.?

0xa0: (name=taken_indirect_near_call) All taken indirect calls, including both register and memory indirect.?

0xc1: (name=all_conditional) All macro conditional branch instructions.?

0xc2: (name=all_direct_jmp) All macro unconditional branch instructions, excluding calls and indirects?

0xc4: (name=all_indirect_jump_non_call_ret) All indirect branches that are not calls nor returns.?

0xc8: (name=all_indirect_near_return) All indirect return branches.?

0xd0: (name=all_direct_near_call) All non-indirect calls executed.?


Mispredicted branch instructions


0xff: (name=all_branches) All mispredicted branch instructions executed.?

0x41: (name=nontaken_conditional) All nontaken mispredicted macro conditional branch instructions.?

0x81: (name=taken_conditional) All taken mispredicted macro conditional branch instructions.?

0x84: (name=taken_indirect_jump_non_call_ret) All taken mispredicted indirect branches that are not calls nor returns.?

0x88: (name=taken_return_near) All taken mispredicted indirect branches that have a return mnemonic.?

0x90: (name=taken_direct_near_call) All taken mispredicted non-indirect calls.?

0xa0: (name=taken_indirect_near_call) All taken mispredicted indirect calls, including both register and memory indirect.?

0xc1: (name=all_conditional) All mispredicted macro conditional branch instructions.?

0xc4: (name=all_indirect_jump_non_call_ret) All mispredicted indirect branches that are not calls nor returns.?

0xd0: (name=all_direct_near_call) All mispredicted non-indirect calls?


uops not delivered to IDQ.


0x01: (name=core) Count number of non-delivered uops to Resource Allocation Table (RAT).?

0x01: (name=cycles_0_uops_deliv.core) Counts the cycles no uops were delivered?

0x01: (name=cycles_le_1_uop_deliv.core) Counts the cycles less than 1 uops were delivered?

0x01: (name=cycles_le_2_uop_deliv.core) Counts the cycles less than 2 uops were delivered?

0x01: (name=cycles_le_3_uop_deliv.core) Counts the cycles less than 3 uops were delivered?

0x01: (name=cycles_ge_1_uop_deliv.core) Cycles when 1 or more uops were delivered to the by the front end.?

0x01: (name=cycles_fe_was_ok) Counts cycles FE delivered 4 uops or Resource Allocation Table (RAT) was stalling FE.?


Count on which ports uops are dispatched.


0x01: (name=port_0) Cycles which a Uop is dispatched on port 0?

0x02: (name=port_1) Cycles which a Uop is dispatched on port 1?

0x04: (name=port_2_ld) Cycles which a load Uop is dispatched on port 2?

0x08: (name=port_2_sta) Cycles which a STA Uop is dispatched on port 2?

0x10: (name=port_3_ld) Cycles which a load Uop is dispatched on port 3?

0x20: (name=port_3_sta) Cycles which a STA Uop is dispatched on port 3?

0x40: (name=port_4) Cycles which a Uop is dispatched on port 4?

0x80: (name=port_5) Cycles which a Uop is dispatched on port 5?

0x0c: (name=port_2) Uops disptached to port 2, loads and stores (speculative and retired)?

0x30: (name=port_3) Uops disptached to port 3, loads and stores (speculative and retired)?

0x0c: (name=port_2_core) Uops disptached to port 2, loads and stores per core (speculative and retired)?

0x30: (name=port_3_core) Uops disptached to port 3, loads and stores per core (speculative and retired)?


Core resource stalls


0x01: (name=any) Cycles Allocation is stalled due to Resource Related reason.?

0x02: (name=lb) Cycles Allocator is stalled due to Load Buffer full?

0x04: (name=rs) Stall due to no eligible Reservation Station (RS) entry available.?

0x08: (name=sb) Cycles Allocator is stalled due to Store Buffer full (not including draining from synch).?

0x10: (name=rob) ROB full cycles.?

0x0e: (name=mem_rs) Resource stalls due to LB, SB or Reservation Station (RS) being completely in use?

0xf0: (name=ooo_rsrc) Resource stalls due to Rob being full, FCSW, MXCSR and OTHER?

0x0a: (name=lb_sb) Resource stalls due to load or store buffers?


Number of Decode Stream Buffer (DSB) to MITE switches


0x01: (name=count) Number of Decode Stream Buffer (DSB) to MITE switches?

0x02: (name=penalty_cycles) Decode Stream Buffer (DSB)-to-MITE switch true penalty cycles.?


DSB fill events


0x02: (name=other_cancel) Count number of times a valid DSB fill has been actually cancelled for any reason.?

0x08: (name=exceed_dsb_lines) Decode Stream Buffer (DSB) Fill encountered > 3 Decode Stream Buffer (DSB) lines.?

0x0a: (name=all_cancel) Count number of times a valid Decode Stream Buffer (DSB) fill has been actually cancelled for any reason.?


ITLB events


0x01: No unit mask?


Requests sent outside the core


0x01: (name=demand_data_rd) Demand Data Read requests sent to uncore?

0x02: (name=demand_code_rd) Offcore Code read requests. Includes Cacheable and Un-cacheables.?

0x04: (name=demand_rfo) Offcore Demand RFOs. Includes regular RFO, Locks, ItoM.?

0x08: (name=all_data_rd) Offcore Demand and prefetch data reads returned to the core.?


uops dispatched


0x01: (name=thread) Counts total number of uops to be dispatched per-thread each cycle.?

0x01: (name=stall_cycles) Counts number of cycles no uops were dispatced to be executed on this thread.?

0x02: (name=core) Counts total number of uops dispatched from any thread?


Offcore requests buffer events


0x01: No unit mask?


AGU bypass cancel


0x01: No unit mask?


TLB flushes


0x01: (name=dtlb_thread) Count number of DTLB flushes of thread-specific entries.?

0x20: (name=stlb_any) Count number of any STLB flushes?


L1D cache blocking events


0x01: (name=ld_bank_conflict) Any dispatched loads cancelled due to DCU bank conflict?

0x05: (name=bank_conflict_cycles) Cycles with l1d blocks due to bank conflicts?


Instructions retired


0x01: No unit mask?


Instructions that needed an assist


0x02: (name=itlb_miss_retired) Instructions that experienced an ITLB miss. Non Pebs?

0x10: (name=avx_to_sse) Number of transitions from AVX-256 to legacy SSE when penalty applicable Non Pebs?

0x20: (name=sse_to_avx) Number of transitions from legacy SSE to AVX-256 when penalty applicable Non Pebs?


uops that actually retired.


0x01: (name=all) All uops that actually retired.?

0x02: (name=retire_slots) number of retirement slots used non PEBS?

0x01: (name=stall_cycles) Cycles no executable uops retired?

0x01: (name=total_cycles) Number of cycles using always true condition applied to non PEBS uops retired event.?


Number of Machine Clears detected.


0x02: (name=memory_ordering) Number of Memory Ordering Machine Clears detected.?

0x04: (name=smc) Number of Self-modifying code (SMC) Machine Clears detected.?

0x20: (name=maskmov) Number of AVX masked mov Machine Clears detected.?


Counts branch instructions retired


0x01: (name=conditional) Counts all taken and not taken macro conditional branch instructions.?

0x02: (name=near_call) Counts all macro direct and indirect near calls. non PEBS?

0x08: (name=near_return) This event counts the number of near ret instructions retired.?

0x10: (name=not_taken) Counts all not taken macro branch instructions retired.?

0x20: (name=near_taken) Counts the number of near branch taken instructions retired.?

0x40: (name=far_branch) Counts the number of far branch instructions retired.?

0x04: (name=all_branches_ps) Counts all taken and not taken macro branches including far branches.(Precise Event)?

0x02: (name=near_call_r3) Ring123 only near calls (non precise)?

0x02: (name=near_call_r3_ps) Ring123 only near calls (precise event)?


Counts mispredicted branch instructions


0x01: (name=conditional) All mispredicted macro conditional branch instructions.?

0x02: (name=near_call) All macro direct and indirect near calls?

0x10: (name=not_taken) number of branch instructions retired that were mispredicted and not-taken.?

0x20: (name=taken) number of branch instructions retired that were mispredicted and taken.?

0x04: (name=all_branches_ps) all macro branches (Precise Event)?


Counts floating point assists


0x1e: (name=any) Counts any FP_ASSIST umask was incrementing.?

0x02: (name=x87_output) output - Numeric Overflow, Numeric Underflow, Inexact Result?

0x04: (name=x87_input) input - Invalid Operation, Denormal Operand, SNaN Operand?

0x08: (name=simd_output) Any output SSE* FP Assist - Numeric Overflow, Numeric Underflow.?

0x10: (name=simd_input) Any input SSE* FP Assist?


Number of hardware interrupts received by the processor.


0x01: No unit mask?


Count ROB (Register Reorder Buffer) events.


0x20: No unit mask?


Count memory transactions


0x02: No unit mask?


Count uops with memory accessed retired


0x11: (name=stlb_miss_loads) STLB misses dues to retired loads?

0x12: (name=stlb_miss_stores) STLB misses dues to retired stores?

0x21: (name=lock_loads) Locked retired loads?

0x41: (name=split_loads) Retired loads causing cacheline splits?

0x42: (name=split_stores) Retired stores causing cacheline splits?

0x81: (name=all_loads) Any retired loads?

0x82: (name=all_stores) Any retired stores?


Memory load uops.


0x01: (name=l1_hit) Load hit in nearest-level (L1D) cache?

0x02: (name=l2_hit) Load hit in mid-level (L2) cache?

0x04: (name=llc_hit) Load hit in last-level (L3) cache with no snoop needed?

0x40: (name=hit_lfb) A load missed L1D but hit the Fill Buffer?


Memory load uops with LLC (Last level cache) hit


0x01: (name=xsnp_miss) Load LLC Hit and a cross-core Snoop missed in on-pkg core cache?

0x02: (name=xsnp_hit) Load LLC Hit and a cross-core Snoop hits in on-pkg core cache?

0x04: (name=xsnp_hitm) Load had HitM Response from a core on same socket (shared LLC).?

0x08: (name=xsnp_none) Load hit in last-level (L3) cache with no snoop needed.?


Memory load uops retired


0x02: No unit mask?


L2 cache accesses


0x80: (name=all_requests) Transactions accessing L2 pipe?

0x01: (name=demand_data_rd) Demand Data Read requests that access L2 cache, includes L1D prefetches.?

0x02: (name=rfo) RFO requests that access L2 cache?

0x04: (name=code_rd) L2 cache accesses when fetching instructions including L1D code prefetches?

0x08: (name=all_pf) L2 or LLC HW prefetches that access L2 cache?

0x10: (name=l1d_wb) L1D writebacks that access L2 cache?

0x20: (name=l2_fill) L2 fill requests that access L2 cache?

0x40: (name=l2_wb) L2 writebacks that access L2 cache?


L2 cache lines in


0x07: (name=all) L2 cache lines filling L2?

0x01: (name=i) L2 cache lines in I state filling L2?

0x02: (name=s) L2 cache lines in S state filling L2?

0x04: (name=e) L2 cache lines in E state filling L2?


L2 cache lines out


0x01: (name=demand_clean) Clean line evicted by a demand?

0x02: (name=demand_dirty) Dirty line evicted by a demand?

0x04: (name=pf_clean) Clean line evicted by an L2 Prefetch?

0x08: (name=pf_dirty) Dirty line evicted by an L2 Prefetch?

0x0a: (name=dirty_all) Any Dirty line evicted?


Store queue misc events


0x10: No unit mask?

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时间: 2024-10-05 12:57:12

Intel Sandy Bridge Microarchitecture Events的相关文章

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本文由giantpoplar发表于csdn,未经允许不得转载. 引言 从大一进入软件工程专业以来,到现在大三,陆续听说了很多关于"计算"的词语,比如并行计算,分布式计算,网格计算,云计算,串行计算,异构计算等等,这些名词大多给我一种不明觉厉的感觉,一直想着了解一下这些概念,恰好在读<云计算与分布式系统--从并行处理到物联网>一书时,看到第一章第一节里提到集中式计算.并行计算.分布式计算.云计算这四种计算范式的区别,书中使用了"计算范式"这个词,感觉这个词


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MLAA全称是Morphological   Antialiasing 意为形态抗锯齿 是Intel推出的完全基于CPU处理的抗锯齿解决方案. 对于游戏厂商使用的MSAA抗锯齿技术不同,Intel最新推出的MLAA将跨越边缘像素的前景和背景色进行混合,用第2种颜色来填充该像素,从而更有效地改进图像边缘的变现效果,这就是MLAA技术. 常用的抗锯齿方法还有如SSAA(超级采样抗锯齿) MSAA(多重采样抗锯齿) CFAA(可编程过滤抗锯齿) MLAA采用光栅和光线追踪两种应用方式,没有提供硬件加速

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用织梦实现筛选的功能,其实主要就是运用到了织梦的高级搜索功能,然后用ajax去post替换掉本来的结果就可以了. 其实筛选的话,主要有两个问题需要解决,一个是前台的筛选实现,一个是后台根据前台的点击,反馈出相应的结果. 于是在网上搜索了N多的资料了之后,先实现前台的功能,就是你点了之后会有一个筛选的效果出来,当然,也只是一个效果.具体可以参照:jquery仿京东筛选效果.下面就一步一步用织梦来实现这样的功能. 首先我们先在后台自定义模型(自定义模型都不会的同学,可以直接去面壁思过了) 看到参照网


美国时间本周三,EMC企业宣告更新其数值尽力照顾产品线上的软件.硬件以及服务,况且声称新的数值尽力照顾服务还整合了众多其它的数值尽力照顾以外的功能进来. 新的产品升班涵盖Data Domain数值尽力照顾应用中四个板块;NAS和Data Domain对Avamar数值重删软件的支持;增长Networker数值尽力照顾软件和其它EMC储存系统的合成一体度以及加强了其Mozy云备案服务的界面友善度. 硬件方面周三EMC更新了Data Domain备案和重复数值删去产品线,Emsley说新的Data