

Improving Your Code with lint


使用 lint 增强你的代码

Android Lint简介

gradle lint


android {
    compileSdkVersion 23
    buildToolsVersion "21.1.2"
    lintOptions {
          abortOnError false

然后我们在项目的根目录下执行gradle lint

localhost:Sunshine-Version-2 wuxian$ gradle lint
:app:preBuild UP-TO-DATE
:app:preDebugBuild UP-TO-DATE
:app:preReleaseBuild UP-TO-DATE
:app:prepareComAndroidSupportAppcompatV72102Library UP-TO-DATE
:app:prepareComAndroidSupportSupportV42102Library UP-TO-DATE
:app:compileDebugAidl UP-TO-DATE
:app:compileDebugRenderscript UP-TO-DATE
:app:generateDebugBuildConfig UP-TO-DATE
:app:generateDebugAssets UP-TO-DATE
:app:mergeDebugAssets UP-TO-DATE
:app:generateDebugResValues UP-TO-DATE
:app:generateDebugResources UP-TO-DATE
:app:mergeDebugResources UP-TO-DATE
:app:processDebugManifest UP-TO-DATE
:app:processDebugResources UP-TO-DATE
:app:generateDebugSources UP-TO-DATE
:app:processDebugJavaRes UP-TO-DATE
:app:compileDebugJavaWithJavac UP-TO-DATE
:app:compileReleaseAidl UP-TO-DATE
:app:compileReleaseRenderscript UP-TO-DATE
:app:generateReleaseBuildConfig UP-TO-DATE
:app:generateReleaseAssets UP-TO-DATE
:app:mergeReleaseAssets UP-TO-DATE
:app:generateReleaseResValues UP-TO-DATE
:app:generateReleaseResources UP-TO-DATE
:app:mergeReleaseResources UP-TO-DATE
:app:processReleaseManifest UP-TO-DATE
:app:processReleaseResources UP-TO-DATE
:app:generateReleaseSources UP-TO-DATE
:app:processReleaseJavaRes UP-TO-DATE
:app:compileReleaseJavaWithJavac UP-TO-DATE
Ran lint on variant release: 58 issues found
Ran lint on variant debug: 58 issues found
Wrote HTML report to file:/Users/wuxian/Documents/sourcecode/self/Sunshine-Version-2/app/build/outputs/lint-results.html
Wrote XML report to /Users/wuxian/Documents/sourcecode/self/Sunshine-Version-2/app/build/outputs/lint-results.xml


Total time: 17.941 secs

This build could be faster, please consider using the Gradle Daemon:














58deMacBook-Pro-5:tools wuxian$ lint
Usage: lint [flags] <project directories>


--help                   This message.
--help <topic>           Help on the given topic, such as "suppress".
--list                   List the available issue id‘s and exit.
--version                Output version information and exit.
--exitcode               Set the exit code to 1 if errors are found.
--show                   List available issues along with full explanations.
--show <ids>             Show full explanations for the given list of issue

Enabled Checks:
--disable <list>         Disable the list of categories or specific issue
                         id‘s. The list should be a comma-separated list of
                         issue id‘s or categories.
--enable <list>          Enable the specific list of issues. This checks all
                         the default issues plus the specifically enabled
                         issues. The list should be a comma-separated list of
                         issue id‘s or categories.
--check <list>           Only check the specific list of issues. This will
                         disable everything and re-enable the given list of
                         issues. The list should be a comma-separated list of
                         issue id‘s or categories.
-w, --nowarn             Only check for errors (ignore warnings)
-Wall                    Check all warnings, including those off by default
-Werror                  Treat all warnings as errors
--config <filename>      Use the given configuration file to determine whether
                         issues are enabled or disabled. If a project contains
                         a lint.xml file, then this config file will be used
                         as a fallback.

Output Options:
--quiet                  Don‘t show progress.
--fullpath               Use full paths in the error output.
--showall                Do not truncate long messages, lists of alternate
                         locations, etc.
--nolines                Do not include the source file lines with errors in
                         the output. By default, the error output includes
                         snippets of source code on the line containing the
                         error, but this flag turns it off.
--html <filename>        Create an HTML report instead. If the filename is a
                         directory (or a new filename without an extension),
                         lint will create a separate report for each scanned
--url filepath=url       Add links to HTML report, replacing local path
                         prefixes with url prefix. The mapping can be a
                         comma-separated list of path prefixes to
                         corresponding URL prefixes, such as
                         To turn off linking to files, use --url none
--simplehtml <filename>  Create a simple HTML report
--xml <filename>         Create an XML report instead.

Project Options:
--resources <dir>        Add the given folder (or path) as a resource
                         directory for the project. Only valid when running
                         lint on a single project.
--sources <dir>          Add the given folder (or path) as a source directory
                         for the project. Only valid when running lint on a
                         single project.
--classpath <dir>        Add the given folder (or jar file, or path) as a
                         class directory for the project. Only valid when
                         running lint on a single project.
--libraries <dir>        Add the given folder (or jar file, or path) as a
                         class library for the project. Only valid when
                         running lint on a single project.

Exit Status:
0                        Success.
1                        Lint errors detected.
2                        Lint usage.
3                        Cannot clobber existing file.
4                        Lint help.
5                        Invalid command-line argument.


时间: 2024-10-30 08:27:09


静态代码检查工具 cppcheck 的使用(可分别集成到VS和QT Creator里)

CppCheck是一个C/C++代码缺陷静态检查工具.不同于C/C++编译器及其它分析工具,CppCheck只检查编译器检查不出来的bug,不检查语法错误.所谓静态代码检查就是使用一个工具检查我们写的代码是否安全和健壮,是否有隐藏的问题. 比如无意间写了这样的代码: [cpp] view plain copy int n = 10; char* buffer = new char[n]; buffer[n] = 0; 这完全是符合语法规范的,但是静态代码检查工具会提示此处会溢出.也就是说,它是一

Nodejs + Jshint自动化静态代码检查

1.   目的 提交代码前能够自动化静态代码检查,提高代码质量 2.   准备 1.    Nodejs安装: 官方地址: 安装说明:根据电脑配置下载对应的版本进行安装 检查安装是否成功: 2.    安装Grunt: GruntJs官方网址: 安装说明: 1.进入命令行,安装grunt库 2.安装grunt-cli(安装后可以在命令行直接运行grunt命令) 3.检查是否安装成功: 3.    安装jshint

FindBugs —— Java 静态代码检查

在使用 Jenkins 构建 Java Web 项目时候,有一项叫做静态代码检查,是用内置的 findBugs 插件,对程序源代码进行检查,以分析程序行为的技术,应用于程序的正确性检查. 安全缺陷检测.程序优化等,特点就是不执行程序.它有助于在项目早期发现以下问题:变量声明了但未使用.变量类型不匹配.变量在使用前未定义.不可达代码.死循环.数组越界.内存泄漏等.分为以下几种类型: 一.Bad Practice (糟糕的写法) 二.Correctness (不太的当) 三.Experimental

静态代码检查工具 cppcheck 的使用

CppCheck是一个C/C++代码缺陷静态检查工具.不同于C/C++编译器及其它分析工具,CppCheck只检查编译器检查不出来的bug,不检查语法错误.所谓静态代码检查就是使用一个工具检查我们写的代码是否安全和健壮,是否有隐藏的问题. 比如无意间写了这样的代码: [cpp] view plaincopy int n = 10; char* buffer = new char[n]; buffer[n] = 0; 这完全是符合语法规范的,但是静态代码检查工具会提示此处会溢出.也就是说,它是一个

ant + findbugs 安装及实现静态代码检查,并生成HTML检查报告

1.ant + findbugs安装 通过Eclipse或者MyEclipse继承ant.findbugs插件.插件可以到网上去下. 注:findbugs最好是下载1.3.9版本,如果是其他版本,可能在运行的时候会提示版本冲突错误! 2.通过findbugs做静态代码检查,此处可以说有两种方式. A.直接生成HTML报告形式,在项目根目录下新建文件build.xml,将如下代码复制进去 <project name="DHOME_ANDRIOD_CodeCheck" default


今天在下面刊载一篇小王同学写的静态代码检查报告,图文并茂,条理清晰. 1. 工具说明 FindBugs 是一个静态分析工具,它检查类或者 JAR 文件,将字节码与一组缺陷模式进行对比以发现可能的问题.有了静态分析工具,就可以在不实际运行程序的情况对软件进行分析.不是通过分析类文件的形式或结构来确定程序的意图,而是通常使用 Visitor 模式.Findbugs可以在多个环境中运行,同时也可以编写自己的检测器,功能比较完善.我们平时可以收集自己的或者是别人的开发经验,把它做成检测器来完善Findb


前言: PMD是一款静态代码分析工具,它能够自动检测各种潜在缺陷以及不安全或未优化的代码. PMD更多地是集中在预先检测缺陷上,它提供了高度可配置的丰富规则集,用户可以方便配置对待特定项目使用那些规则. 安装及使用: 1.在Eclipse中 安装 PMD插件运行方式 ECLIPSE菜单 > HELP > Install New Software > 弹出窗口中在 work with中输入 PMD -


为了规范代码,我们一般会集成静态代码检测工具,比如PMD.FindBugs.Checkstyle,那么Jenkins如何集成这些检查工具,并把检查结果放到构建邮件里呢? 今天做了调研和实现,过程如下 首先看,最终效果: 1.pom.xml build.plugins 增加: <plugin> <artifactId>maven-assembly-plugin</artifactId> <executions> <execution> <ph

《Android Studio有用指南》7.1 AndroidStudio代码检查工具概述

本文节选自<Android Studio有用指南> 作者: 毕小朋 博客: 眼下本书已上传到百度阅读, 在百度中搜索[Anroid Studio有用指南]便能够找到本书. Android Studio提供了功能强大.高速.灵活的代码检查工具, 它能够检測出编译器和执行时的错误,在你编译之前建议你修正和攺进. Android Studio代码检查不仅仅能检查出编译错误, 还会检查出一些效率低下的代码,它支持一些代码规范.编程指南.最