Warning: Attempt to present * on * which is already presenting *

Warning: Attempt to present (要被presented的控制器)  on (哪个控制器来presenting) which is already presenting (已经被presenting的控制器)

self: 是被presented出来的控制器,

self.presentingViewController: 看看是谁把self给presenting出来

RPLog(@"%@ - %@", self.presentingViewController, [UIApplication sharedApplication].keyWindow.rootViewController);

打印结果: <RPNavigationController: 0x789d0330> - <RPNavigationController: 0x789d0330>

结论: poopver中的控制器, 其实是通过窗口的根控制器presenting出来的, 所以要想窗口的根控制器再presenting其他控制器,需要先dismiss掉原来presenting的控制器,


Warning: Attempt to present <RPNavigationController: 0x790dad10>  on <RPNavigationController: 0x78e76c70> which is already presenting <RPRegionViewController: 0x78f76700>

时间: 2024-12-13 07:43:15

Warning: Attempt to present * on * which is already presenting *的相关文章

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百度地图导航算路成功但是无法进入导航页面Warning: Attempt to present <UINavigationController: 0x163852800> on <UIViewCont 在导航页面.m中增加 -(id)naviPresentedViewController { return self; }