Single Number II位运算解析




int singleNumber(int A[], int n) {
    int ones = 0, twos = 0, threes = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        twos |= ones & A[i];
        ones ^= A[i];
        threes = ones & twos;
        ones &= ~threes;
        twos &= ~threes;
    return ones;


  1. ones as a bitmask to represent the ith bit
    had appeared once.
  2. twos as a bitmask to represent the ith bit
    had appeared twice.
  3. threes as a bitmask to represent the ith bit
    had appeared three times.

When the ith bit had appeared for the third time, clear the ith bit
of both ones and twos to
0. The final answer will be the value of ones.


twos |= ones & A[i]; // ones代表1出现一次的位元,如果A[i]对应位是1则&后为1代表出现两次了,否则为0;结果就是twos中为1的位,表示该位出现两次1


ones ^= A[i]; // 出现偶数则为0,出现奇数则为1,本题没有出现偶数的情况,所有ones代表出现1,3,5,……等位;但后面的语句会将其它情况去掉


threes = ones & twos;// 相当与三进制加法。


ones &= ~threes;  //加完之后要清理,如果three为1则ones和twos对应位清0;如果为0,则ones twos和1相与保持不变。
twos &= ~threes;  //这两句处理第二句中Ones其它奇数次情况,即ones如果为大于1的奇数,则此处必然被清0


class Solution:
# @param A, a list of integer
# @return an integer
def singleNumber(self, A):
    for i in A:
        #(threes&(~i)):if a bit we get three times and it occured in new element, then clear it. (twos&i): if a bit we get twice and it occured again, add to threes.

        #the same with threes

        #if a bit occured in odd times and it not in threes, we can sure it occured once

    return ones | twos

解释的很清楚,当然最后一句可以改成return ones,没有任何问题。


时间: 2024-10-02 11:34:03

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