c++ primer plus(第6版)中文版 第七章编程练习答案



#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

double average (unsigned x, unsigned y)
	return (2.0 * x * y / (x + y));

int main ()
	while (true) {
		unsigned	x, y;
		cout << "输入一对正整数,计算其调和平均数(0退出):";
		cin >> x >> y;
		if (0 == x || 0 == y)
		cout << "--> " << average(x, y) << endl;


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

unsigned input (double scores[], unsigned size)
	double	tmp;
	unsigned	num = 0;
	while (num < size && cin >> tmp && -1 != tmp) {
		scores[num++] = tmp;
	return num;

void show (double scores[], unsigned size)
	for (unsigned i = 0; i < size; ++i)
		cout << scores[i] << ‘ ‘;

double average (double scores[], unsigned size)
	double	sum = 0;
	for (unsigned i = 0; i < size; ++i)
		sum += scores[i];
	return (sum / size);

int main (void)
	const unsigned	size = 10;
	double	scores[size];
	cout << "输入" << size << "个高尔夫成绩,-1可提前结束:";
	unsigned	num = input(scores, size);
	cout << "高尔夫成绩如下:\n";
	cout << endl;
	cout << "高尔夫成绩均值为:" << average(scores, num) << endl;




#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

struct Box
	char	Maker[40];
	float	height;
	float	width;
	float	length;
	float	volume;

void show (Box box) {
	cout << box.Maker << ‘ ‘ << box.height << ‘ ‘ << box.width << ‘ ‘ << box.length;

float volume (Box* box)
	return (box->volume = box->height * box->width * box->length);

int main (void)
	Box	box = {"BigBro", 12, 8, 6, 0};
	cout << endl;
	cout << "体积为:" << volume(&box) << endl;


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

long double probability (unsigned numbers, unsigned picks)
	long double	pro = 1.0;
	while (picks > 0) {
		pro *= 1.0 * numbers / picks;
	return (pro);

int main ()
	long double	pro = probability(47, 5) * probability(27, 1);
	cout << "你有" <<  (int)pro << "分之一的几率中奖" << endl;


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

long double jiecheng(int n)
	if(n==1)  return n;
	else return n*jiecheng(n-1);

int main()
	int n=0;
	cout << "input n=" ;
	cin >> n;
	cout << n << "!=" << jiecheng(n) << endl;


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

void Fill_array(double arr[],int arrSize)
	int i=0;
		cout<<"Please enter the "<<i+1<<" double values:";
	cout<<"you had input "<<i<<"  values!"<<endl;

void const Show_array(const double arr[],int arrSize)
	cout<<"the array is:"<<endl;
	for(int i=0;i<arrSize;i++)
		cout<<arr[i]<<"  ";

void Reverse_array(double arr[],int arrSize)
	cout<<"now Reverse the array!"<<endl;
	for(int i=0;i<arrSize/2;i++)
int main()
	double arr[10] {0};
	cout << endl;


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

void Fill_array(double arr[],int arrSize)
	int i=0;
		cout<<"Please enter the "<<i+1<<" double values:";
	cout<<"you had input "<<i<<"  values!"<<endl;

void const Show_array(double* begin,double* end)
	cout<<"the array is:"<<endl;
		cout<<*begin++<<"  ";

void Reverse_array(double* begin,double* end)
	cout<<"now Reverse the array!"<<endl;
	while(end-begin>1)  //两地址相减,差值位一个指向的单位
int main()
	double arr[10] {0};
	cout << endl;

7.8.a对程序清单7.15,使用const char*储存季度名,用double数组记录开支

//7.8.a对程序清单7.15,使用const char*储存季度名,用double数组记录开支
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
const int Seasons = 4;
const char* Snames[] = {"Spring", "Summer", "Fall", "Winter"};

void fill(double* pa)
	for (int i = 0; i < Seasons; i++)
		cout << "Enter " << Snames[i] << " expenses: ";
		cin >> pa[i];

void show(double da[])
	double total = 0.0;
	cout << "\nEXPENSES\n";
	for (int i = 0; i < Seasons; i++)
		cout << Snames[i] << ": $" << da[i] << endl;
		total += da[i];
	cout << "Total Expenses: $" << total << endl;

int main()
	double expenses[Seasons];
	return 0;

7.8.b对程序清单7.15,使用const char*储存季度名,包含一个double数组成员的结构体记录开支

//7.8.b对程序清单7.15,使用const char*储存季度名,包含一个double数组成员的结构体记录开支
#include <iostream>
#include <string>

const int Seasons = 4;
const char* Snames[] = {"Spring", "Summer", "Fall", "Winter"};

struct TData
	double	arr[Seasons];

void fill(TData* pData)
	using namespace std;
	for (int i = 0; i < Seasons; i++)
		cout << "Enter " << Snames[i] << " expenses: ";
		cin >> pData->arr[i];

void show(TData data)
	using namespace std;
	double total = 0.0;
	cout << "\nEXPENSES\n";
	for (int i = 0; i < Seasons; i++)
		cout << Snames[i] << ": $" << data.arr[i] << endl;
		total += data.arr[i];
	cout << "Total Expenses: $" << total << endl;

int main()
	TData	expenses;


#include <iostream>
#include <cctype>
#include <cstring>
using namespace std;

const int SLEN = 30;
struct student {
	char fullname[SLEN];
	char hobby[SLEN];
	int ooplevel;
// getinfo() has two arguments: a pointer to the first element of
// an array of student structures and an int representing the
// number of elements of the array. The function solicits and
// stores data about students. It terminates input upon filling
// the array or upon encountering a blank line for the student
// name. The function returns the actual number of array elements
// filled.
int getinfo(student pa[], int n)
	int num_array_elem = n;
	char	tmp[SLEN];
	for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
		cout << "输入姓名:";
		cin.getline(tmp, SLEN);
		bool	blank_line = true;
		for (unsigned j = 0; j < strlen(tmp); ++j) {
			if (!isspace(tmp[j])) {
				blank_line = false;
		if (blank_line) {
			num_array_elem = i;
		strcpy(pa[i].fullname, tmp);
		cout << "输入兴趣:";
		cin.getline(pa[i].hobby, SLEN);
		cout << "输入面向对象程序设计能力的级别:";
		cin >> pa[i].ooplevel;
	return (num_array_elem);
// display1() takes a student structure as an argument
// and displays its contents
void display1(student st)
	cout << st.fullname << ‘\t‘ << st.hobby << ‘\t‘ << st.ooplevel << endl;
// display2() takes the address of student structure as an
// argument and displays the structure’s contents
void display2(const student * ps)
	cout << ps->fullname << ‘\t‘ << ps->hobby << ‘\t‘ << ps->ooplevel << endl;
// display3() takes the address of the first element of an array
// of student structures and the number of array elements as
// arguments and displays the contents of the structures
void display3(const student pa[], int n)
	for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
		cout << pa[i].fullname << ‘\t‘ << pa[i].hobby << ‘\t‘ << pa[i].ooplevel << endl;
int main()
	cout << "输入班级人数:";
	int class_size;
	cin >> class_size;
	while (cin.get() != ‘\n‘)
	student * ptr_stu = new student[class_size];
	int entered = getinfo(ptr_stu, class_size);
	for (int i = 0; i < entered; i++)
	display3(ptr_stu, entered);
	delete [] ptr_stu;
	cout << "完毕\n";
	return 0;


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
typedef double (*TPfun) (double x, double y);

void calculate (double x, double y, TPfun fun[], unsigned num_of_funs)
	for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_of_funs; ++i)
		cout << fun[i](x, y) << endl;

double add (double x, double y)
	cout << "加法操作结果:";
	return (x + y);

double sub (double x, double y)
	cout << "减法操作结果:";
	return (x - y);

int main ()
	TPfun	fun[] = {add, sub};
	while (true) {
		cout << "输入两个数:";
		double	x, y;
		cin >> x >> y;
		if (!cin)
		calculate(x, y, fun, sizeof(fun)/sizeof(fun[0]));

c++ primer plus(第6版)中文版 第七章编程练习答案

时间: 2024-08-24 13:50:10

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前言 本人在通过<C语言程序设计:现代方法(第2版)>自学C语言时,发现国内并没有该书完整的课后习题答案,所以就想把自己在学习过程中所做出的答案分享出来,以供大家参考.这些答案是本人自己解答,并参考GitHub上相关的分享和Chegg.com相关资料.因为并没有权威的答案来源,所以可能会存在错误的地方,如有错误还希望大家能够帮助指出. 第三章练习题和编程题答案 练习题 3.1节 1.下面的printf函数调用产生的输出分别是什么? (a)  printf("6d,%4d",

《C Primer Plus(第6版)(中文版)》普拉达(作者)epub+mobi+azw3

内容简介 <C Primer Plus(第6版)中文版>详细讲解了C语言的基本概念和编程技巧. <C Primer Plus(第6版)中文版>共17章.第1.2章介绍了C语言编程的预备知识.第3~15章详细讲解了C语言的相关知识,包括数据类型.格式化输入/输出.运算符.表达式.语句.循环.字符输入和输出.函数.数组和指针.字符和字符串函数.内存管理.文件输入输出.结构.位操作等.第16章.17章介绍C预处理器.C库和高级数据表示.本书以完整的程序为例,讲解C语言的知识要点和注意事项

C Primer Plus(第五版)中文版.pdf

下载地址:网盘下载 内容简介 编辑 本书全面讲述了C语言编程的相关概念和知识. 全书共17章.第1.2章学习C语言编程所需的预备知识.第3到15章介绍了C语言的相关知识,包括数据类型.格式化输入输出.运算符.表达式.流程控制语句.函数.数组和指针.字符串操作.内存管理.位操作等等,知识内容都针对C99标准:另外,第10章强化了对指针的讨论,第12章引入了动态内存分配的概念,这些内容更加适合读者的需求.第16章和第17章讨论了C预处理器和C库函数.高级数据表示(数据结构)方面的内容.附录给出了各章