postgresql with递归


1. 建表

[sql] view plain copy

  1. postgres=# create table tb9(id serial primary key,name character varying, parentid integer);

[sql] view plain copy

  1. postgres=# \d tb9
  2. Table "public.tb9"
  3. Column  |       Type        |                    Modifiers
  4. ----------+-------------------+--------------------------------------------------
  5. id       | integer           | not null default nextval(‘tb9_id_seq‘::regclass)
  6. name     | character varying |
  7. parentid | integer           |
  8. Indexes:
  9. "tb9_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)

2. 插入测试数据

[sql] view plain copy

  1. postgres=# insert into tb9 values(generate_series(1,5),‘john‘,0);
  2. INSERT 0 5
  3. postgres=# insert into tb9 values(6,‘john1‘,1);
  4. INSERT 0 1
  5. postgres=# insert into tb9 values(7,‘john2‘,1);
  6. INSERT 0 1
  7. postgres=# insert into tb9 values(8,‘john11‘,6);
  8. INSERT 0 1

[sql] view plain copy

  1. postgres=# select * from tb9;
  2. id |  name  | parentid
  3. ----+--------+----------
  4. 1 | john   |        0
  5. 2 | john   |        0
  6. 3 | john   |        0
  7. 4 | john   |        0
  8. 5 | john   |        0
  9. 6 | john1  |        1
  10. 7 | john2  |        1
  11. 8 | john11 |        6
  12. (8 rows)

3. with子句

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  1. postgres=# with t as (select * from tb9 where parentid=1) select count(0) from t;
  2. count
  3. -------
  4. 2
  5. (1 row)

[sql] view plain copy

  1. postgres=# with t(a,b,c) as (select * from tb9 where parentid=1) select a,b,c from t;
  2. a |   b   | c
  3. ---+-------+---
  4. 6 | john1 | 1
  5. 7 | john2 | 1
  6. (2 rows)

4. 多个with子句的结合使用

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  1. postgres=# with t1 as (select * from tb9),t2 as(select * from tb9 where parentid=1) select t1.* from t1,t2 where;
  2. id |  name  | parentid
  3. ----+--------+----------
  4. 8 | john11 |        6
  5. (1 row)

5. 递归

[sql] view plain copy

  1. postgres=# with recursive t as(select id,name,parentid from tb9 where id=1 union all select,,k.parentid from tb9 k,t where select * from t;
  2. id |  name  | parentid
  3. ----+--------+----------
  4. 1 | john   |        0
  5. 6 | john1  |        1
  6. 7 | john2  |        1
  7. 8 | john11 |        6
  8. 9 | john21 |        7
  9. (5 rows)


时间: 2024-12-16 23:20:45

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