升级mac xcode打包证书报错 git 报错

reset tryAgain

git 在钥匙串中找不到指定的项  重新配置公钥撕咬

SSH keys

An SSH key allows you to establish a secure connection between your computer and GitLab. Before generating an SSH key in your shell, check if your system already has one by running the following command:

cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub

If you see a long string starting with ssh-rsa or ssh-dsa, you can skip the ssh-keygen step.

Note: It is a best practice to use a password for an SSH key, but it is not required and you can skip creating a password by pressing enter. Note that the password you choose here can‘t be altered or retrieved.

To generate a new SSH key, use the following command:

ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "[email protected]"

This command will prompt you for a location and filename to store the key pair and for a password. When prompted for the location and filename, you can press enter to use the default.

Use the command below to show your public key:

cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub

Copy-paste the key to the ‘My SSH Keys‘ section under the ‘SSH‘ tab in your user profile. Please copy the complete key starting with ssh- and ending with your username and host.

To copy your public key to the clipboard, use code below. Depending on your OS you‘ll need to use a different command:


clip < ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub


pbcopy < ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub


localhost:.ssh songximing$ cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDbNYo5xDoMyEqLd+7QR7i0/h5BEMtaqSrqPgIMihRcj9qn31iMKdJWGVdieWZwMmX+PR8APYd4kxs9isbW9sAmhGWxCl2sdR3sQIg6NihJBjmXa0QayDaXIoTeaP6+YuLekRgBDfLXiVlIXBBgE3BvhN1EXMqpHNWTUMDOb/Gp94WFxiA1gWx1ehNC5xclO3j/EyyEUqVbTN6ijFHdaveBhVR7j1ypHW2JpuhQp1bQyW+A6MqeUTd4Gqhy/80juKndMAFM3P0krpwTQd9V6ChWwM0g7mtErh6BgErL9BIqt4DBsN/ou/DxnjygbXp2RS4xvc8exBfyktB1y4uyRx4P [email protected]
localhost:.ssh songximing$ git config --global user.email "[email protected]"
localhost:.ssh songximing$ git config --global user.name "songximing"
localhost:.ssh songximing$

时间: 2024-10-09 03:38:49

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