the application was unable to start correctly(0x000007b)解决方案





一朋友说他运行程序出现崩溃弹窗:the application was unable to start correctly(0x000007b),由于程序没有源码无法调试。好吧,百度搜索看看。找到了一篇貌似很在行的链接:



The cause of this problem is because of the “msvcp110.dll” file located at C:\Windows\SysWOW64 . This file is used by several applications to run, but each have their
own version of the file with the same name. So in order run that application, you might replace it with a different msvcp110.dll file which we normally get at

So application might not work the next time you try to start it with the below error.


Go to C:\Windows\SysWOW64 location and delete the “msvcp110.dll” file. Now try to start the Application and the program will generate a new “msvcp110.dll” file used
by the application and you should be able to get the application working fine 

Hope this helps!!




这是个很基础的技能。在1998年发布的VC6.0中微软就带上了一个DEPENDS.EXE,该工具就是来提供给开发者查看DLL依赖项的。把我们要发布的 exe、DLL拖进去你就可以清楚地看到程序需要哪些DLL依赖了。




时间: 2024-11-08 11:02:21

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