.net framework client profile

.NET Framework Client Profile

The .NET Client Profile is a subset of the .NET Framework, which was provided with .NET Framework 4 and earlier versions and was optimized for client applications.
The .NET Framework is a development platform for Windows, Windows Phone and Microsoft Azure and provides a managed app execution environment and the .NET Framework class library.
The .NET Framework 4 and earlier versions provided two deployment options: the full .NET Framework and the Client Profile.
The Client Profile enabled faster deployment and smaller app installation packages than the full .NET Framework.

Starting with the .NET Framework 4.5, the Client Profile has been discontinued and only the full redistributable package is available.
Optimizations provided by the .NET Framework 4.5, such as smaller download size and faster deployment, have eliminated the need for a separate deployment package.
The single redistributable streamlines the installation process and simplifies your app‘s deployment options.

However, if you are targeting the .NET Framework 4 or 3.5 and want to learn more about the Client Profile and
when to use it, see .NET Framework Client Profile in the .NET Framework 4 documentation.

When you install the .NET Framework 4.5, the .NET Framework 4 Client Profile is updated to the full version of the .NET Framework.
For information about installing the .NET Framework 4.5, see Installing the .NET Framework.

Differences between .Net Framework Client Profile Versions

The .NET Framework Client Profile was introduced in .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 to improve deployment and installation of the .NET Framework. The following table lists the differences between the .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Client Profile and the .NET Framework 4 Client Profile.

.NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Client Profile

.NET Framework 4 Client Profile

Web install only.

Local package and Web install.

Only supports Microsoft Windows XP SP2 or SP3 and x86 architecture where no previous version of the Microsoft .NET Framework is installed.

All platforms and CPU architectures supported by the .NET Framework 4 except IA64.

Single entry in Add or Remove Programs. When the full version of the .NET Framework is installed, it replaces the Client in Programs and Features and cannot be reverted.

Part of the .NET Framework. The .NET Framework is made up of the .NET Framework 4 Client Profile and .NET Framework 4 Extended components that exist separately in Programs and Features.

Windows Update will upgrade it to the full version of the .NET Framework.

Independent component.

  • Can be serviced separately.
  • Does not need the .NET Framework 4 Extended component of the .NET Framework.
时间: 2024-10-05 23:25:27

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