Exercise 6: Strings And Text

x = "There are %d types of people." % 10
binary = "binary"
do_not = "don‘t"
y = "Those who know %s and those who %s." % (binary, do_not)
print xprint y
print "I said: %r." % xprint "I also said: ‘%s‘." % y
hilarious = False
joke_evaluation = "Isn‘t that joke so funny?! %r"
print joke_evaluation % hilarious
w = "This is the left side of..."
e = "a string with a right side."
print w + e
时间: 2024-11-25 19:54:41

Exercise 6: Strings And Text的相关文章

Python Index

Table Of ContentsThe Hard Way Is EasierExercise 0: The SetupExercise 1: A Good First ProgramExercise 2: Comments And Pound CharactersExercise 3: Numbers And MathExercise 4: Variables And NamesExercise 5: More Variables And PrintingExercise 6: Strings

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