问题 D: Task
Today the company has m tasks to complete. The ith task need xi minutes to complete. Meanwhile, this task has a difficulty level yi. The machine whose level below this task’s level yi cannot complete this task. If the company completes this task, they will get (500*xi+2*yi) dollars.
The company has n machines. Each machine
has a maximum working time and a level. If the time for the task is more
than the maximum working time of the machine, the machine can not
complete this task. Each machine can only complete a task one day. Each
task can only be completed by one machine.
The company hopes to maximize the number
of the tasks which they can complete today. If there are multiple
solutions, they hopes to make the money maximum.
The input contains several test cases.
The first line contains two integers N
and M. N is the number of the machines.M is the number of tasks(1 <
=N <= 100000,1<=M<=100000).
The following N lines each contains two
integers xi(0<xi<1440),yi(0=<yi<=100).xi is the maximum time
the machine can work.yi is the level of the machine.
The following M lines each contains two
integers xi(0<xi<1440),yi(0=<yi<=100).xi is the time we need
to complete the task.yi is the level of the task.
For each test case, output two integers,
the maximum number of the tasks which the company can complete today and
the money they will get.
1 2 100 3 100 2 100 1
1 50004思路: 首先把任务和机器从大到小排序,先排序时间,其次是等级。 枚举能做完任务A的机器,并挑选时间最短,等级最低的机器。如此类推。 AC代码:
#include <cstring> #include <iostream> #include <cstdio> #include <algorithm> using namespace std; const int maxn = 100005; struct t{ int x, y; }; bool cmp(t a, t b){ if(a.x == b.x) return a.y > b.y; return a.x > b.x; } int main() { int n, m; t task[maxn], mach[maxn]; while(~scanf("%d%d", &n, &m)){ for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){ scanf("%d%d", &mach[i].x, &mach[i].y); } for(int i = 0; i < m; i++){ scanf("%d%d", &task[i].x, &task[i].y); } sort(mach, mach + n, cmp); sort(task, task + m, cmp); int temp[maxn]; memset(temp, 0 ,sizeof(temp)); int num = 0; long long int money = 0; for(int i = 0, j = 0; i < m; i++){ while(mach[j].x >= task[i].x && j < n){ temp[mach[j].y]++; j++; } for(int k = task[i].y; k <= 100; k++){ if(temp[k]){ temp[k]--; num++; money += task[i].x*500 + task[i].y*2; break; } } } printf("%d %I64d\n",num, money); } return 0; }