Trepn Profiler-user guide

Quick Start Guide


Using Preset Mode


Trepn Profiler has six easy to useprofiling presets. This section will help you understand what each of thepresets is designed to do.

Trepn Profiler有六个易于使用的分析预设。本节将帮助您了解每一个预设的作用。

1.   CPU Frequency Overlay – This shows thespeed of the first four cores of your processor. Because it is an on-screenoverlay, you can run
any app while observing the CPU frequencies. Use thispreset to see how fast each of the cores are running. Processor speeds changevery quickly so it’s normal for the numbers to jump around. Look at the bluegraph lines to see a more precise history of the changes
in frequency. To seewhich apps are using your processor, touch the back arrow to return to the homescreen and run the ‘CPU Usage Monitor’ preset.

1. CPU Frequency Overlay -这可以显示你的第一个四核处理器的速度。因为它是一个屏幕上的窗口,所以可以运行的任何应用程序的同时观察CPU频率。使用此预设来看看每个内核的运行有多快。处理器速度变化非常快,所以显示频率的数字变化也很快。从蓝色的图线可看更精确的历史频率的变化。要了解哪些应用程序正在使用你的处理器,触摸返回箭头返回到主屏幕,并运行“CPU
Usage Monitor”预设。

Tip: If any of the overlays are coveringan important part your application, you can drag them to a new location on thescreen. You can also hide them by touching the white


2.   Mobile Data Detective – Use this presetto identify which apps use the most cellular or Wi-Fi data. By default, thisdisplays a list
of applications sorted based on the amount of data they haveused since you began profiling. If you want to sort the list of appsalphabetically, touch the ‘APPLICATION’ heading. It’s normal to see 0.0 next toeach app at the beginning of a profiling session.
Run this test for at least 10minutes to identify which apps consume the most data. To see how much data anapp uses while it’s running, launch that app after you start this preset.

2. Mobile Data Detective - 使用此预设来识别哪些应用程序使用最多的蜂窝或Wi-Fi数据。默认情况下,应用程序列表排序的显示基于开始运行监测后这些应用的数据量。如果你想按字母顺序排序这些应用程序列,点击“APPLICATION”标示。在开始监测后,如果在每个应用程序旁边看到0.0,这是正常的。你需要运行测试至少10分钟,以确定哪些应用消耗最多的数据。如需看到在应用程序运行的时候使用多少数据,你需要在开始运行此预设前打开该应用程序。

To run this test in the background firststart Mobile Data Detective, and then press the Home button to return to theAndroid home screen. To return to Trepn Profiler, pull
down the Notificationbar and select "Trepn.” Pressing the left arrow or Back button will stopprofiling and clear your profiled data. Don’t press Back until you are ready tostop profiling and return to the Trepn home screen. If you want to save theprofiling
data so you can analyze it later, use Advanced Mode, which isdescribed below.

要在后台运行该测试,首先启动Mobile Data Detective,然后按Home键,返回Android主屏幕。如要返回Trepn

Tip: If you prefer to view the amount ofdata consumed as an on-screen overlay, return to the Trepn Profilerpreset-based home screen and launch Mobile Data Detective using
the shortcutshown on the right.

提示:如果您想在一个屏幕上窗口查看消耗的数据量,返回到Trepn Profiler基础预设的主屏幕,并使用右边所示的快捷方式启动Mobile
Data Detective。

3.   Performance Graph – This preset monitorsthe frequency and load of the CPU and GPU. Use it to determine whether yourapps are using available
system resources in an efficient manner.Well-engineered apps divide work between CPU cores and the GPU. An app that hasa GPU load of 100% on a regular basis, with a relatively low CPU load isconsidered to be GPU constrained, and vice versa. Keep in mind a
fair amount ofthe CPU activity on one of your CPU cores is generated by Trepn Profiler. A CPUload of 30% to 60% when your device is idle can mean your device has a lot ofapps running in the background. By turning off or uninstalling problem apps,you can reduce
the CPU load when your device is idle.

3. Performance Graph - 此预设监视CPU和GPU的频率和负载。用它来确定是否您的应用以有效的方式利用现有的系统资源。好的设计的应用程序可区分CPU核心和GPU之间的工作。如果一个应用程序经常性GPU负载达到100%,但CPU的负载相对较低,这会认为是GPU的约束,反之亦然。记住在你的CPU核中相当数量的CPU活动是由Trepn

Tip: Rotate your screen to see all ofthe performance graphs superimposed on each other. Slide out the legend on theright and tap any of the data points to turn them off.
You can also pinch outto zoom in, or pinch in to zoom out and double-tap on the Y-axis to cyclebetween the units. If the graph appears to stop automatically scrolling, scrollall the way to the right or return to Live View by touching the icon shownabove.


4.   CPU Usage Monitor – By default thispreset displays applications in a list based on the percentage of CPU they haveused over the last
second. Consider stopping or uninstalling apps that use alot of CPU when you are not using them. Touch the overlay button (shown on theright) to display the CPU usage for the top five apps as an overlay on top ofany screen or application.

4. CPU Usage Monitor -默认情况下,该预设显示的应用列表是基于最后时刻的CPU占有率。当你不使用的应用程序占用大量的CPU资源的时候,那么可以考虑停止或卸载该应用。可以点击窗口按钮(如右图所示),来显示CPU占用率前五位的应用程序,覆盖到任何屏幕或应用程序上。

Tip: You can switch between average andinstantaneous readings in list view by touching the 3 dots near the top of thescreen and selecting the desired option. 


5.   CPU Load Overlay – This preset displaysthe load of the first four cores as an overlay on your screen. This shows howhard your processor
is working as you run different applications. The bluegraph line shows a more precise history of the changes in processor load. Keepin mind that some of the activity you are seeing on one of your CPU cores isgenerated by Trepn Profiler.

5.  CPU Load Overlay -这预设以覆盖屏幕来显示的第一个四核的负载。这显示了你在运行不同应用程序时,你的处理器的运行情况。从蓝色的图线可看更精确的历史处理负载的变化。记住在其中一个CPU核中有些活动是由Trepn

6.   NetworkActivity – This preset shows network-related activity and battery power. Toview accurate battery power, make sure your device
does not have a USB cable orcharger connected to it. Not all mobile devices report accurate battery power readings.Refer to the TrepnProfiler
 for more info. The default view is a graph, but youcan view this data as an overlay as well.

6. Network Activity -此预设显示与网络相关的活动和电池电量。要查看准确的电池电量,请确保您的设备没有连接USB连接线或充电器。并非所有的移动设备可以上报精确的电池电量读数。请参阅Trepn

Note: To see more activity on the MobileData State graph, turn Wi-Fi off.


Using Advanced Mode


Advanced Mode allows you to select whichdata points you want to profile and customize the overlays. You can also savethe results of a profiling session to analyze later. This
mode doesn’t usepresets, so you need to manually configure the settings before profiling. Hereis an example how you can profile using Advanced Mode.


1.   First, touch the icon that looks like abeaker to enter Advanced Mode.

1. 首先,点击一个看起来像烧杯的图标,进入高级模式。

2.   Then touch ‘Settings’ and select thedata points and overlays you wish to profile.

2. 然后触摸“设置”,然后选择您要分析的数据点和窗口。

Keep in mind selecting any of thepresets on the Trepn Profiler home screen will override all of the AdvancedMode settings, so it’s a good idea to save your preferences before
returning toPreset Mode. This is done in the General Settings tab. Before you can save, youneed to name the preference by touching near the bottom of the window. If theSave button isn’t visible after you enter a name, touch the Back button andthen touch ‘Save.’

请记住,选择任何一个Trepn Profiler主屏幕上的预设将覆盖所有的高级模式设置,所以最好在返回预设模式之前保存你的偏好。这是在常规设置标签中完成的。你可以保存之前,你需要点击靠近窗口的底部来命名偏好。如果您输入名称后,保存按钮是不可见的,那么点击返回按钮,然后点击“保存”。

Tip: You can save time by using one ofthe presets as a starting
point for the creation of an Advanced Mode Setting.For example, if you have an 8-core processor and want to view all of thefrequencies as an overlay on your tablet, start by touching the ‘CPU FrequencyOverlay’ preset and then touch the left-arrow and switch
to Advanced Mode. Nowgo to Settings/Overlays and you’ll see that four of the 8 cores are already setup. Add the remaining cores and save the new overlay as a Preference.

Frequency Overlay”预设开始,然后轻触左箭头并切换到高级模式。现在,去设置/覆盖,你会看到8核心内的四个已经设定好了。添加其余内核,并作为首选项保存到新的窗口内。

3.   Next, touch the Back button to return tothe ‘Advanced Mode’ home screen.

3. 接下来,点击返回按钮来回到“高级模式”主屏幕。

4.   You are now ready to profile. Touch ‘ProfileSystem’ or ‘Profile App’ to continue.

4. 已经准备好剖析后。点击“Profile System”或“Profile

5.   Now select whether you wish to view thedata as an overlay, graph or text (Stats view).

5. 现在选择是否通过窗口要查看数据,图表或文字(统计视图)。

6.   When you are finished profiling, touch theBack button, or return to Trepn Profiler from the Notification bar.

6. 当您完成分析,轻触返回按钮,或从通知栏返回Trepn Profiler。

7.   Finally, touch ‘Stop Profiling’ andselect a save option. If you wish to analyze the data later,  you shouldselect ‘Save as .db’

7. 最后,点击“停止分析”,然后选择一个保存选项。如果希望以后的数据进行分析,你应该选择“Save as .db”

8.   To analyze a saved profile
session,touch ‘Analyze Run’ and select from the list.

8. 要分析一个保存的配置文件会话,点击“Analyze Run”,然后从列表中选择。

Tip: TrepnProfiler will remember which mode you last used and automatically select itwhen you launch the app again. To return to the ‘Preset Mode’ home screen, usethe
slide out menu, or touch the icon that looks like four boxes.

提示:当你再次启动应用程序的时候,Trepn Profiler会记住您上次使用的模式并自动选择它。要返回到“预设模式”主屏幕,使用滑动退出菜单,或点击看起来像四个小子箱的图标。

How to Get Support


Support for this product is provided online. If you havequestions, check our FAQ first.
If you don’t find an answerthere, try the TrepnProfiler product forum. You
can also provide feedback from within the TrepnProfiler app using the ‘Feedback’ button in the navigation menu.

本产品在线提供支持。如果您有问题,首先查看我们的FAQ。如果你没有找到相应答案,尝试在Trepn Profiler产品论坛里解决。您也可以在Trepn

时间: 2024-10-12 01:42:34

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