加密学教程(Cryptography Tuturials)文件夹

加密学教程(Cryptography Tuturials)

太阳火神的漂亮人生 (http://blog.csdn.net/opengl_es)


Cryptography Tutorials - Herong‘s Tutorial Notes
Version 4.00
Dr. Herong Yang
Copyright ? 1998 - 2007 by Dr. Herong Yang. All rights reserved.

Table of Contents

About This Book


  • Cryptography Terminology

Basic Concepts

  • Cryptography
  • Function
  • Encryption

Cipher - DES Algorithm

  • Block Cipher
  • DES (Data Encryption Standard) Cipher Algorithm
  • DES Key Schedule (Round Keys Generation) Algorithm
  • DES Decryption Algorithm

DES Algorithm - Illustrated with Java Programs

  • DESSubkeysTest.java - DES Key Schedule Algorithm Illustration
  • DESCipherTest.java - DES Cipher Algorithm Illustration

DES Algorithm - Java Implementation

  • CipherDES.java - A Simple Java Implementation of DES
  • Test Cases of DES Encryption and Decryption

DES Algorithm - Java JCE SUN Implementation

  • DES Java Implementation by Sun
  • Using DES Algorithm in JDK JCE Package
  • Test Cases of DES Encryption and Decryption
  • What Is PKCS5Padding?
  • JceSunDesPaddingTest.java - JCE DES Padding Testing Program

DES Algorithm - Operation Modes and JCE SUN Implementation

  • DES Encryption Operation Modes
  • What is ECB (Electronic CodeBook) Operation Mode?
  • What is CBC (Cipher Block Chaining) Operation Mode?
  • What is CFB (Cipher FeedBack) Operation Mode?
  • What is OFB (Output FeedBack) Operation Mode?
  • Sun Java Implementation of DES Operation Modes
  • JceSunDesOperationModeTest.java - JCE DES Operation Mode Testing Program
  • Test Cases of DES Operation Modes

DES Algorithm - Stream Cipher Modes and JCE SUN Implementation

  • DES in Stream Cipher Modes
  • CFB (Cipher FeedBack) Operation Mode as a Stream Cipher
  • OFB (Output FeedBack) Operation Mode as a Stream Cipher
  • Sun Java Implementation of DES Operation Modes
  • JceSunDesStreamCipherTest.java - JCE DES Stream Cipher Mode Testing Program
  • Test Cases of DES Stream Cipher Modes

DES Algorithm - PHP Implementation in mcrypt

  • mcrypt Library for PHP
  • mcrypt Encryption Functions
  • des_mcrypt_operation_mode_test.php - mcrypt Operation Mode Test PHP Script
  • Block Padding in mcrypt
  • Other PHP Implementations of DES Algorithm

JDK/JCE - Cipher for Encryption and Decryption

  • The Cipher Class
  • JceSecretCipher.java - Cipher with Secret Key
  • JcePublicCipher.java - Cipher with Private and Public Key Pair

Cipher - Blowfish Algorithm

  • Block Cipher
  • Blowfish Cipher Algorithm
  • Blowfish Key Schedule (Sub-Keys Generation) Algorithm
  • BlowfishJ - Java Implementation by Markus Hahn
  • Blowfish Decryption Algorithm
  • 8366 Hex Digits of PI

Message Digest - MD5 Algorithm

  • What is MD5?
  • MD5 Algorithm Overview
  • MD5 Implementation in Java
  • MD5 Implementation in PHP
  • MD5 Implementation in Perl

Message Digest - SHA1 Algorithm

  • What is SHA1?
  • SHA1 Algorithm Overview
  • SHA1 Implementation in Java
  • SHA1 Implementation in PHP
  • SHA1 Implementation in Perl

OpenSSL - Installation on Windows

  • What is OpenSSL?
  • Installing OpenSSL on Windows

OpenSSL - Generating RSA Private and Public Keys

  • What is RSA?
  • Generating RSA Key Pairs
  • Viewing Components of RSA Keys
  • Encrypting RSA Keys

OpenSSL - Generating Self-Signed Certificates

  • What is a certificate?
  • Generating Self-Signed Certificates
  • Viewing Components of Certificates

OpenSSL - Signing Certificates from Others

  • Why Certificates Need to Be Signed by CAs?
  • Generating a Certificate Signing Request for Your Own Public Key
  • Viewing Components of Certificate Signing Request
  • Signing a Certificate Signing Request

OpenSSL - Certification Path and Validation

  • What Is a Certification Path?
  • Certification Path Validation
  • Certification Path Testing with OpenSSL

keytool - JDK Tool to Manage Certificates Using ‘keystore‘

  • Certificates and Certificate Chains
  • What is "keystore"?
  • "keytool" - Key and Certificate Management Tool
  • "keytool" Example - Generating Key Pairs and Self-Signed Certificates
  • "keytool" Example - Exporting and Import Certificates
  • "keytool" Example - Cloning Certificates with New Identities

Using Certificates with Web Browsers

  • Why Using Certificates with Browser?
  • Exporting Certificates Out of Internet Explorer (IE)
  • Importing Certificates into IE
  • View Certificates in FireFox
  • Importing Certificates into FireFox

‘OpenSSL‘ Signing CSR Generated by ‘keytool‘

  • Using "OpenSSL" to Act as a CA (Certificate Authority)
  • "OpenSSL" Generating CA‘s Private Key
  • "OpenSSL" Self-signing CA‘s Public Key Certificate
  • "keytool" Generating Maria‘s Private Key
  • "keytool" Generating Maria‘s CSR (Certificate Sign Request)
  • "OpenSSL" Signing Maria‘s CSR (Certificate Sign Request)
  • "keytool" Managing Serial Numbers when Signing CSR
  • "keytool" Importing CA‘s Certificate into Keystore Files
  • "keytool" Importing Maria‘s Own Certificate

Migrating Keys from ‘keytool‘ to ‘OpenSSL‘

  • "keytool" Generating Private and Public Key Pair
  • "keytool" Exporting PrivateKeyEntry
  • "keytool" Printing Certificate Details
  • "OpenSSL" Viewing "keytool" Generated Certificates
  • DumpKey.java - Dumping Private Keys Out of "keystore"
  • "OpenSSL" Converting Keys from Binary to PEM
  • "OpenSSL" Viewing "keytool" Keys

Certificate Formats - X.509, DER and PEM

  • X.509 Certificate Standard
  • PEM (Privacy Enhanced Mail) Encoding
  • DER (Distinguished Encoding Rules) Encoding
  • "keytool" Exporting Certificates in DER and PEM
  • "OpenSSL" Verifying "keytool" Certificates
  • "OpenSSL" Generating Certificates in DER and PEM
  • "keytool" Viewing "OpenSSL" Certificates
  • "keytool" Importing "OpenSSL" Certificates

Key Formats PKCS#8 and PKCS#12 and Migration

  • What is PKCS#8?
  • What is PKCS#12?
  • "OpenSSL" Private Key in Traditional Format
  • "OpenSSL" Private Key in PKCS#8 Format
  • "OpenSSL" Key and Certificate in PKCS#12 Format
  • "keytool" Converting PKCS12 to JKS
  • Summary - Migrating "OpenSSL" Keys to "keytool"
  • Summary - Migrating "keytool" Keys to "OpenSSL"


Key Words: blowfish, CA, certificate, certification path, cipher, CSR, decryption, DER, DES, digest, encryption, Java, JCE, JDK, keytool, MD5, message, OpenSSL, PEM, PKCS#8, PKCS#12, private key, public key, RSA, secret key, self-signed certificate, SHA1, SSL, X.509

Cryptography Tutorials - Herong‘s Tutorial Notes
Version 4.00
Dr. Herong Yang
Copyright ? 1998 - 2007 by Dr. Herong Yang. All rights reserved.

Table of Contents

About This Book


  • Cryptography Terminology

Basic Concepts

  • Cryptography
  • Function
  • Encryption

Cipher - DES Algorithm

  • Block Cipher
  • DES (Data Encryption Standard) Cipher Algorithm
  • DES Key Schedule (Round Keys Generation) Algorithm
  • DES Decryption Algorithm

DES Algorithm - Illustrated with Java Programs

  • DESSubkeysTest.java - DES Key Schedule Algorithm Illustration
  • DESCipherTest.java - DES Cipher Algorithm Illustration

DES Algorithm - Java Implementation

  • CipherDES.java - A Simple Java Implementation of DES
  • Test Cases of DES Encryption and Decryption

DES Algorithm - Java JCE SUN Implementation

  • DES Java Implementation by Sun
  • Using DES Algorithm in JDK JCE Package
  • Test Cases of DES Encryption and Decryption
  • What Is PKCS5Padding?
  • JceSunDesPaddingTest.java - JCE DES Padding Testing Program

DES Algorithm - Operation Modes and JCE SUN Implementation

  • DES Encryption Operation Modes
  • What is ECB (Electronic CodeBook) Operation Mode?
  • What is CBC (Cipher Block Chaining) Operation Mode?
  • What is CFB (Cipher FeedBack) Operation Mode?
  • What is OFB (Output FeedBack) Operation Mode?
  • Sun Java Implementation of DES Operation Modes
  • JceSunDesOperationModeTest.java - JCE DES Operation Mode Testing Program
  • Test Cases of DES Operation Modes

DES Algorithm - Stream Cipher Modes and JCE SUN Implementation

  • DES in Stream Cipher Modes
  • CFB (Cipher FeedBack) Operation Mode as a Stream Cipher
  • OFB (Output FeedBack) Operation Mode as a Stream Cipher
  • Sun Java Implementation of DES Operation Modes
  • JceSunDesStreamCipherTest.java - JCE DES Stream Cipher Mode Testing Program
  • Test Cases of DES Stream Cipher Modes

DES Algorithm - PHP Implementation in mcrypt

  • mcrypt Library for PHP
  • mcrypt Encryption Functions
  • des_mcrypt_operation_mode_test.php - mcrypt Operation Mode Test PHP Script
  • Block Padding in mcrypt
  • Other PHP Implementations of DES Algorithm

JDK/JCE - Cipher for Encryption and Decryption

  • The Cipher Class
  • JceSecretCipher.java - Cipher with Secret Key
  • JcePublicCipher.java - Cipher with Private and Public Key Pair

Cipher - Blowfish Algorithm

  • Block Cipher
  • Blowfish Cipher Algorithm
  • Blowfish Key Schedule (Sub-Keys Generation) Algorithm
  • BlowfishJ - Java Implementation by Markus Hahn
  • Blowfish Decryption Algorithm
  • 8366 Hex Digits of PI

Message Digest - MD5 Algorithm

  • What is MD5?
  • MD5 Algorithm Overview
  • MD5 Implementation in Java
  • MD5 Implementation in PHP
  • MD5 Implementation in Perl

Message Digest - SHA1 Algorithm

  • What is SHA1?
  • SHA1 Algorithm Overview
  • SHA1 Implementation in Java
  • SHA1 Implementation in PHP
  • SHA1 Implementation in Perl

OpenSSL - Installation on Windows

  • What is OpenSSL?
  • Installing OpenSSL on Windows

OpenSSL - Generating RSA Private and Public Keys

  • What is RSA?
  • Generating RSA Key Pairs
  • Viewing Components of RSA Keys
  • Encrypting RSA Keys

OpenSSL - Generating Self-Signed Certificates

  • What is a certificate?
  • Generating Self-Signed Certificates
  • Viewing Components of Certificates

OpenSSL - Signing Certificates from Others

  • Why Certificates Need to Be Signed by CAs?
  • Generating a Certificate Signing Request for Your Own Public Key
  • Viewing Components of Certificate Signing Request
  • Signing a Certificate Signing Request

OpenSSL - Certification Path and Validation

  • What Is a Certification Path?
  • Certification Path Validation
  • Certification Path Testing with OpenSSL

keytool - JDK Tool to Manage Certificates Using ‘keystore‘

  • Certificates and Certificate Chains
  • What is "keystore"?
  • "keytool" - Key and Certificate Management Tool
  • "keytool" Example - Generating Key Pairs and Self-Signed Certificates
  • "keytool" Example - Exporting and Import Certificates
  • "keytool" Example - Cloning Certificates with New Identities

Using Certificates with Web Browsers

  • Why Using Certificates with Browser?
  • Exporting Certificates Out of Internet Explorer (IE)
  • Importing Certificates into IE
  • View Certificates in FireFox
  • Importing Certificates into FireFox

‘OpenSSL‘ Signing CSR Generated by ‘keytool‘

  • Using "OpenSSL" to Act as a CA (Certificate Authority)
  • "OpenSSL" Generating CA‘s Private Key
  • "OpenSSL" Self-signing CA‘s Public Key Certificate
  • "keytool" Generating Maria‘s Private Key
  • "keytool" Generating Maria‘s CSR (Certificate Sign Request)
  • "OpenSSL" Signing Maria‘s CSR (Certificate Sign Request)
  • "keytool" Managing Serial Numbers when Signing CSR
  • "keytool" Importing CA‘s Certificate into Keystore Files
  • "keytool" Importing Maria‘s Own Certificate

Migrating Keys from ‘keytool‘ to ‘OpenSSL‘

  • "keytool" Generating Private and Public Key Pair
  • "keytool" Exporting PrivateKeyEntry
  • "keytool" Printing Certificate Details
  • "OpenSSL" Viewing "keytool" Generated Certificates
  • DumpKey.java - Dumping Private Keys Out of "keystore"
  • "OpenSSL" Converting Keys from Binary to PEM
  • "OpenSSL" Viewing "keytool" Keys

Certificate Formats - X.509, DER and PEM

  • X.509 Certificate Standard
  • PEM (Privacy Enhanced Mail) Encoding
  • DER (Distinguished Encoding Rules) Encoding
  • "keytool" Exporting Certificates in DER and PEM
  • "OpenSSL" Verifying "keytool" Certificates
  • "OpenSSL" Generating Certificates in DER and PEM
  • "keytool" Viewing "OpenSSL" Certificates
  • "keytool" Importing "OpenSSL" Certificates

Key Formats PKCS#8 and PKCS#12 and Migration

  • What is PKCS#8?
  • What is PKCS#12?
  • "OpenSSL" Private Key in Traditional Format
  • "OpenSSL" Private Key in PKCS#8 Format
  • "OpenSSL" Key and Certificate in PKCS#12 Format
  • "keytool" Converting PKCS12 to JKS
  • Summary - Migrating "OpenSSL" Keys to "keytool"
  • Summary - Migrating "keytool" Keys to "OpenSSL"


Key Words: blowfish, CA, certificate, certification path, cipher, CSR, decryption, DER, DES, digest, encryption, Java, JCE, JDK, keytool, MD5, message, OpenSSL, PEM, PKCS#8, PKCS#12, private key, public key, RSA, secret key, self-signed certificate, SHA1, SSL, X.509

时间: 2024-08-06 14:14:08

加密学教程(Cryptography Tuturials)文件夹的相关文章

加密学教程(Cryptography Tuturials)目录

加密学教程(Cryptography Tuturials) 太阳火神的美丽人生 (http://blog.csdn.net/opengl_es) 本文遵循"署名-非商业用途-保持一致"创作公用协议 Cryptography Tutorials - Herong's Tutorial Notes Version 4.00 Dr. Herong Yang Copyright © 1998 - 2007 by Dr. Herong Yang. All rights reserved. Tab

Cocos2d-x 3.0final 终结者系列教程03-源代码文件夹说明

话说今天从霍营到回龙观,走到天鑫家园东路.我肋哥去,堵死我啦.7:30出门,9:10还没到回龙观. 北京这交通真是坑爹.回过头想想.怪自己走小路,有时候确实快.可有时候真堵. 堵了35分钟后果断掉头, 如今想做个測试,假设发现前方堵车约200米,同一时候你还知道有其它路能够到达目的地,你会做何举动? 1.死等. 2. 超过5分钟没动.立刻掉头,改路. 3.假设有掉头的.立刻掉头.改路. 4.走到修路点发现彻底过不去了,掉头.改路. 5.回家 switch(result) { case 1: 你肯


到底文件加密软件哪个好?现在人们越来越注意隐私保护,而保护电脑中的一些重要文件,最好的方式就是加密.文件加密软件既要考虑到加密安全可靠,又要考虑到系统稳定,同时也要想到万一密码忘记该怎么挽回损失,再者就是方便易用.提到文件加密软件,很多电脑用户都非常熟悉.文件加密软件主要是用于给文件设置密码,从而保护文件信息安全的方法.目前,可供电脑用户选择使用的文件加密软件还是非常多的.那么,哪个文件加密软件更好用呢?今天,小编就给大家推荐10款好用的电脑文件加密软件,希望可以帮到大家! 10款免费文件夹加密


在Windows中,打开控制面板,可以进行系统设置:打开拨号网络,可以建立新连接,或进行拨号:打开打印机,可以安装打印机,并可对打印机进行设置-- 其实,我们也可以自己制造这样的文件夹.下面就跟我一起来制作吧. 对于加密后的文件夹怎么打开呢?因为我们无法把该文件夹名称中的类ID号直接删除,所以无法通过重命名把该文件夹变为普通文件夹.那么怎么办呢?我们可以用压缩软件WinRAR来解决这个问题.启动WinRAR,切换到该文件夹的上级文件夹,右键单击该文件夹,在弹出菜单中选择"重命名",去掉


电脑中或多或少的有很多敏感信息,尤其是大数据时代,信息一旦泄漏对我们造成的损失将会很大.有时候别人借用我们的电脑,有些信息不想让别人看到怎么办?有人会说有隐藏选项,但是,一旦开启显示隐藏文件,隐藏的文件夹又会暴露在视野里,那些用软件加密的软件又太复杂.下面的一段代码将让我们进行文件夹的加密. 加密手段实际上并不复杂,首先将加密文件夹改名成特殊名称:Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D},然后将其属性改为隐藏+系统,加入判断语句则是


这个软件是大一那时候对电脑数据隐私及安全方面非常感兴趣的时候,在暑假自己制作并完成的第一个作品 功能:加密.隐藏.伪装文件夹.文件.其实现主要依靠系统注册表操作,同时还添加一个邮箱找回密码的功能可以说是防菜鸟的加密软件.网络间流传的免费加密软件相信也是用到这个技术. 大家可以下载试试(需要.net framework 4.0):http://pan.baidu.com/s/1CjSB0


硬盘文件夹加密软件 硬盘文件夹加密要怎么办?重要文件如何设置密码?硬盘如何设置密码等等,这些问题困扰着越来越多的电脑用户,有时候为了防止自己的重要文件/文件夹被人随意查看和使用,就需要将其进行加密处理.但是由于文件夹加密软件此前一般都是针对企业用户设计的,无论在功能上还是操作设计上都不太适合普通用户使用,在这里小编推荐一款最新发布的护密文件夹加密软件,该软件采用强大加密技术专门用于帮助电脑用户轻松实现文件加密.文件夹加密.移动文件加密.硬盘加密.U盘加密等等需求. 而在众多的免费电脑文件夹加密软


怎么给文件夹加密 现在的人非常看重个人隐私,但是我们又生活在互联网时代,互联网随时都可能让你需要保密的信息公布于天下,记得前不久的要桃花树事件,一些人摇曳桃花树让花瓣掉落,在我们这些乡下的孩子看来很正常,以前自家的桃花树经常会摇着玩,但是这次那几位就没有那么的幸运,被放上网然后配上文字,成为了全国人们的话柄.当然我并不是赞成那种做法,只是想着事件的一种可能性.相信那几位出名的人士非常的不愿意自己以这样的形态出现在全国人们面前.所以现在的人们不管是言行举止还是工作当中都需要规范.保护隐私就是自我保


文件夹加密工具 工作对现在奋斗于大都市的人来说是非常重要的,因为身上背负着房贷.车贷,一天不工作都会有大山压顶的感觉.工作中要处理各式各样的文件,有一些是非常机密的不能够展示给他人的个人隐私或者工作秘密,这些内容如果是存在于我们的电脑中,肯定是被一个个的文件夹分门别类的收集起来.而对于那些有心人来说,只要知道了电脑的开机密码,很容易就可能窃取到这些东西.而且现在小学生都能当电脑黑客,所以这个时候,我们很需要给这些文件夹多一层安全保护,那就是找到怎样给文件夹加密的方法.这个最直接的方法就是找护密文