A Context Clustering Technique for Average Voice Models(1)

3. Shared Decision Tree Context Clustering

3.1 Training of Average Voice Model

  1. A block diagram of the training stage of average voice model using the proposing technique is shown in Fig. 2. First, context dependent models without context clustering are separately trained for respective speakers to derive a decision tree for context clustering common to these speaker dependent models. Then, the decision tree, which we refer to as a shared decision tree, is constructed using an algorithm described in Sect. 3.3 from the speaker dependent models. Finally, all speaker dependent models are clustered using the shared decision tree. A Gaussian pdf of average voice model is obtained by combining all speakers’ Gaussian pdfs at every node of the tree. After the reestimation of parameters of the average voice model using training data of all speak- ers, state duration distributions is obtained for each speaker. Finally, state duration distributions of the av- erage voice model is obtained by applying the same procedure.

    1. Fig. 2中提出的技术,来训练average voice model
    2. 上下文相关的模型,没有经过上下文聚类,被分别训练
时间: 2024-11-08 05:03:13

A Context Clustering Technique for Average Voice Models(1)的相关文章

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本文转载自zouxy09博客,原文地址为http://blog.csdn.net/zouxy09/article/details/16889905:在此,仅当笔记mark一下及给大家分享一下. 时空上下文视觉跟踪(STC)算法的解读与代码复现 [email protected] http://blog.csdn.net/zouxy09 本博文主要是关注一篇视觉跟踪的论文.这篇论文是Kaihua Zhang等人今年投稿到一个会议的文章,因为会议还没有出结果,所以作者还没有发布他的Matlab源代码

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