UVA4254 Processor



using namespace std;
const int maxn=1e4+10;
int T,n;

int aa;char cc;
int read() {
	while(cc<‘0‘||cc>‘9‘) cc=getchar();
	while(cc>=‘0‘&&cc<=‘9‘) aa=aa*10+cc-‘0‘,cc=getchar();
	return aa;

struct Node{
	int l,r,w;

bool cmp(const Node& x,const Node& y) {
	return x.l==y.l? x.r<y.r:x.l<y.l;

struct Pp{
	int noww,r;
	bool operator < (const Pp& b) const{return r<b.r;}

multiset<Pp> G;
multiset<Pp>::iterator it;
bool check(int s) {
	int pos=1,time=node[1].l,x,y,ss;
	for(;;time++) {
		if(pos>n&&G.empty()) return 1; ss=s;
		while(ss>0&&!G.empty()) {
			it=G.begin(); x=it->noww; y=it->r;
			if(y<time) return 0; G.erase(it);
			if(x>ss) G.insert(Pp{x-ss,y});
	if(G.empty()) return 1;
	return 0;

int main() {
	while(T--) {
		n=read();int l=0,r=0;
		for(int i=1;i<=n;++i) {
//			l=max(l,(node[i].w-1)/(node[i].r-node[i].l+1));
		while(l<r-1) {
			if(!l) l++;
			int mid=(l+r)>>1;
			if(check(mid)) r=mid;
			else l=mid;
	return 0;
1 6 16
3 5 12
8 15 33
11 14 14
15 18 10
16 19 12
20 24 16
22 25 10


时间: 2024-08-02 12:05:33

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