

Time Limit: 1000MS   Memory Limit: 30000K
Total Submissions: 11042   Accepted: 6855


Gigel has a strange "balance" and he wants to poise it. Actually, the device is different from any other ordinary balance.

It orders two arms of negligible weight and each arm‘s length is 15. Some hooks are attached to these arms and Gigel wants to hang up some weights from his collection of G weights (1 <= G <= 20) knowing that these weights have distinct values in the range 1..25.
Gigel may droop any weight of any hook but he is forced to use all the weights.

Finally, Gigel managed to balance the device using the experience he gained at the National Olympiad in Informatics. Now he would like to know in how many ways the device can be balanced.

Knowing the repartition of the hooks and the set of the weights write a program that calculates the number of possibilities to balance the device.

It is guaranteed that will exist at least one solution for each test case at the evaluation.


The input has the following structure:

? the first line contains the number C (2 <= C <= 20) and the number G (2 <= G <= 20);

? the next line contains C integer numbers (these numbers are also distinct and sorted in ascending order) in the range -15..15 representing the repartition of the hooks; each number represents the position relative to the center of the balance on the X axis
(when no weights are attached the device is balanced and lined up to the X axis; the absolute value of the distances represents the distance between the hook and the balance center and the sign of the numbers determines the arm of the balance to which the
hook is attached: ‘-‘ for the left arm and ‘+‘ for the right arm);

? on the next line there are G natural, distinct and sorted in ascending order numbers in the range 1..25 representing the weights‘ values.


The output contains the number M representing the number of possibilities to poise the balance.

Sample Input

2 4
-2 3
3 4 5 8

Sample Output






int dp[25][15005];

int main()
    int hn,gn,H[25],G[25],mid0=7500;//表示整体平移的多少,把负数变正数,0则变成mid0
        for(int i=1;i<=hn; i++)
        for(int i=1;i<=gn; i++)

        for(int i=0;i<gn; i++)
            for(int v=0;v<=15000;v++)
                for(int j=1;j<=hn; j++)

时间: 2024-07-30 19:06:46



背景 Wind设计了很多机器人.但是它们都认为自己是最强的,于是,一场比赛开始了~ 描述 机器人们都想知道谁是最勇敢的,于是它们比赛搬运一些物品. 它们到了一个仓库,里面有n个物品,每个物品都有一个价值Pi和重量Wi,但是有些物品放在一起会爆炸,并且爆炸具有传递性.(a和b会爆炸.b和c会爆炸则a和c会爆炸)机器人们可不想因此损失自己好不容易从Wind那里敲诈来的装备,于是它们想知道在能力范围内,它们最多可以拿多少价值的物品. 你能帮助它们吗? 格式 输入格式 每组测试数据第1行为n,Wmax,

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【HDU1712】ACboy needs your help(分组背包)

将背包九讲往后看了看,学习了一下分组背包.来做几道入门题,试试手. 1 #include <iostream> 2 #include <cstring> 3 #include <cstdlib> 4 #include <cstdio> 5 #include <cmath> 6 #include <cctype> 7 #include <algorithm> 8 #include <numeric> 9 #inc

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D. Arpa&#39;s weak amphitheater and Mehrdad&#39;s valuable Hoses 分组背包模板题

http://codeforces.com/problemset/problem/742/D 并查集预处理出所有关系. 一开始的时候,我预处理所有关系后,然后选择全部的时候,另起了一个for,然后再判断. 这样是不对的.因为这样使得同一组里面可能选择了两次. 3 0 2 1 2 3 1 1 3 #include <cstdio> #include <cstdlib> #include <cstring> #include <cmath> #include &