XCode Cocoapod错误

Could not automatically select an Xcode project. Specify one in your Podfile like so


lhdeiMac:AnimatedSteeringDemo lh$ pod install
Analyzing dependencies
[!] Could not automatically select an Xcode project. Specify one in your Podfile like so:
    xcodeproj ‘path/to/Project.xcodeproj


xcode-select -p  打印当前xcode设置路径


将xcode路径 设置在Applications下 (注意在前面输入 sudo 命令)

xcode-select -s /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer

时间: 2024-10-19 15:04:13

XCode Cocoapod错误的相关文章


1.error: macro names must be identifiers YourProject_prefix.pch 原因: 因为你弄脏了预处理器宏,在它处于<Multiple Values>的时候修改了它 解决方法: Configiration选择All Configirations,清空它 然后分别重新定义你的Debug,Release,Distributin预处理器宏吧 2.warning: no rule to process file '$(PROJECT_DIR)/Loa

ios Xcode编译错误

[BEROR]CodeSign error: code signing is requiredfor product type 'Application' in SDK 'iOS 7.1' xcode编译出现这个错误,我的做法是,附图 ios Xcode编译错误

xcode 编译错误 note: please rebuild precompiled header &#39;/Users/wdl/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/ModuleCache/97F16MVNSP3M/UIKit-35TDUEIBFI6H.pcm&#39;

在真机调试时遇到 atal error: file '/Applications/Xcode6.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneSimulator8.0.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/UIKit.framework/Headers/UIWebView.h' has been modified since the precompiled hea

linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation),经典Xcode编译错误的出现和解决!

linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)这个肯定是个xcode编译运行的时候经典的报错了. 这个问题曾经在我的项目编译和运行的时候多次出现,但是从来没有记录过.现在就想每次出现对它进行一下记录,这样为以后出现同样的问题的时候让自己也有个更加快速的方法找到解决之路. linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)有很多种情况,


1.error: macro names must be identifiers YourProject_prefix.pch 原因: 因为你弄脏了预处理器宏,在它处于<Multiple Values>的时候修改了它 解决方法: Configiration选择All Configirations,清空它 然后分别重新定义你的Debug,Release,Distributin预处理器宏吧 2.warning: no rule to process file '$(PROJECT_DIR)/Loa


1.xcode无效文件的编译错误. 问题: clang: error: no such file or directory: '/Users/admin/client/trunk/sengoku_sc/sengoku/libs/plugin/plugins/facebook/platform/ios/DynamicFacebook.mm' 解决办法:这个是因为资源找不到的原因,选择project > Build Phases >打开 "Compile Sources" an


问题:xcode 7编译错误:bitcode is not supported on versions of iOS prior to 6.0 解决:Build Options | Enable Bitcode 设置为No即可 原因:这是Apple Watch使用的 问题:Build iOS时提示没法拉起Xcode: UnityException: Launching iOS project via Xcode4 failed. Check editor log for details. 解决:

【xcode】错误之Could not launch &quot;&quot; failed to get the task for process

http://blog.csdn.net/teng_ontheway/article/details/8467932 在Xcode下编译工程正常,在模拟器下运行正常,最后在真机上运行的时候出现了如下错误: Could not launch "FeedMeWorms" failed to get the task for process 3118 原因是:我的签名是distribution certificate,即发布者证书,不允许在真机上直接运行 使用开发者证书就OK了


No architectures to compile for(ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH=YES 这种错误    修改building settings下 Build Active Architecture only 为NO即可. dyld: Symbol not found: _objc_setProperty_nonatomic _objc_setProperty_nonatomic是ios6.0的新方法,三方库设置了Deployment Target 为6.0就会调用这2个新增的方