Meet Apache Wicket
By JonathanLocke, original author of Wicket
Why Wicket?
If you arelooking to do web application programming in Java, you have a very large numberof choices these days. In fact, there are so many web application
frameworksnow that it has become somewhat of a joke. One blog site on the Internet posesthe question: How many Java web frameworks can you name? The answer they showlooks like this:
如果你打算做 Web应用程序的编程用java,如今你有非常多的选择。事实上,有这么多的Web应用程序框架现在它已经变得多少有点可笑了。一个网上的博客里提出了一个问题:有多少的JavaWeb框架你可以说出来?他们的答案是这样的:
Frameworks, Frameworks Everywhere
Echo |
Cocoon |
Millstone |
Struts |
Tapestry |
WebWork |
Spring MVC |
Canyamo |
Maverick |
JPublish |
Folium |
Jucas |
Verge |
Niggle |
Bishop |
Barracuda |
Action Framework |
Shocks |
TeaServlet |
wingS |
Expresso |
Bento |
jStatemachine |
jZonic |
OpenEmcee |
Turbine |
Scope |
Warfare |
Jaffa |
Jacquard |
Macaw |
Smile |
MyFaces |
Chiba |
JBanana |
Jeenius |
JWarp |
Genie |
Melati |
Dovetail |
Cameleon |
JFormular |
Xoplon |
Japple |
Helma |
Dinamica |
WebOnSwing |
Nacho |
Cassandra |
Baritus |
Stripes |
Click |
“Reinvent the Wheel”?
In light ofthis, you may be wondering
“What good isanother web application framework?” Indeed. Why
“re-invent the wheel?” One snappy comeback to that old saw is: because this time we couldmake it rounder!
But it was notsimply a desire for higher quality that drove the creation of Wicket. Even withso many options, there really is no web toolkit which fills exactly
the nichethat Wicket fills. In fact, Wicket is quite unlike each of the frameworksabove.
Wicket’s closest cousins are probably Tapestry andEcho, but even there the likeness is very
shallow. Like Tapestry, Wicket uses aspecial HTML attribute to denote components, enabling easy editing withordinary HTML editors. Like Echo, Wicket has a first-class component model. ButWicket applications are not like applications written in either Tapestry
orEcho, because in Wicket you get the best of both worlds. You get the benefitsof a first-class component model and a non-intrusive approach to HTML. In manysituations, this combination may prove to be a significant developmentadvantage.
To understandwhy Wicket is so different, it may help to understand the motivations thatcreated it.
Wicket的最亲密的表兄弟可能是Tapestry和Echo,但即使有想象的地方也是很少的。像Tapestry ,Wicket使用一种特殊的HTML属性来表示的元件,可以方便编辑与普通的HTML编辑器。像Echo,Wicket拥有一流的组件模型。但Wicket的应用程序并不像写在任的Tapestry或Echo的应用,因为在Wicket里你可以两全其美。你可以同时在第一级的部件模型和非侵入式方法的HTML中的好处。在许多情况下,这种组合可能被证明有显著发展优势。
Most existingweb frameworks provide weak to non-existent support in managing server-sidestate
This normallymeans lots of ad-hoc code in web applications dealing with the gory mechanicsof state management. While Wicket will not allow you to stop thinking
aboutserver state, it goes a long ways towards making it easy and often transparentto manage that state.
In Wicket, allserver side state is automatically managed. You will never directly use anHttpSession object or similar wrapper to store state. Instead, state
isassociated with components. Each server-side page component holds a nestedhierarchy of stateful components, where each component’s model is, in the end, a POJO (Plain OldJava Object).
Wicket maintains a map of these pages in each user’s session. One purpose of this page map(and the component hierarchy on each page) is to allow the framework to hideall details of how your
components and models are accessed. You deal withsimple, familiar Java objects and Wicket deals with things like URLs, sessionids and GET/POST requests.
You will alsofind that this well-structured server state makes it very easy to deal with thedreaded
“back buttonproblem”. In fact,Wicket has a generic and robust solution which can identify and expirebrowser-cached pages
that have become stale due to structural changes to themodel of a component on the page.
Finally, Wickethas been designed to work with POJO persistence frameworks such as JDO orHibernate. This can make database driven web applications quite easy
to write.
For manyapplications, it will be worth trading off the increased server load of extraserver-side state for decreased development costs, lower maintenance
costs,quicker time-to-market and generally higher quality software. The basicobservation here is that software is expensive and complex while servers fromcompanies like E-machines and Dell are relatively dirt cheap.
In terms ofefficiency versus productivity, perhaps Wicket is to JSP as Java is to C. Youcan accomplish anything in Wicket in JSP. You may even do it more
efficientlyin terms of memory or processor consumption. But it may take you weeks ormonths longer to develop your application. And in the end, since state managementin JSP is ad-hoc, you are likely find security problems and bugs popping upeverywhere. Most
of the other frameworks above will do only a little more tohelp you.
Most existingframeworks require special HTML code
JSP is by farthe worst offender, allowing the embedding of Java code directly in web pages,but to some degree almost all of the frameworks from the list (except
Tapestry)above introduce some kind of special syntax to your HTML code.
Special syntaxis highly undesirable because it changes the nature of HTML from the kind ofpure-and-simple HTML markup that web designers are familiar with,
to some kindof special HTML. This special HTML can be more difficult to preview, edit andunderstand.
Wicket does notintroduce any special syntax to HTML. Instead, it extends HTML in astandards-compliant way via a Wicket namespace that is fully compliant with
theXHTML standard. This means that you can use Macromedia Dreamweaver, MicrosoftFront Page, Word, Adobe Go Live, or any other existing HTML editor to work onyour web pages and Wicket components. To accomplish this, Wicket consistentlyuses a single id attribute
in the Wicket namespace (“wicket:id”) to mark HTMLtags that should receive special treatment by the toolkit. If you
prefer not torender Wicket namespaced tags and attributes to your end-users, Wicket has asimple setting to strip them all out, resulting in ordinary,standards-compliant HTML.
Wicket不引入任何特殊的语法为HTML。相反,它通过是完全符合XHTML标准一个Wicket命名空间扩展的HTML标准兼容的方式。这意味着你可以使用Macromedia的Dreamweaver,Microsoft FrontPage, Word, Adobe Go Live,或任何其他现有的HTML编辑器工作在您的网页和Wicket组件。要做到这一点,Wicket一贯使用的Wicket命名空间中的单个id属性(“Wicket:ID”)来标记应接受特殊处理的工具包的HTML标签。如果你不喜欢渲染Wicket命名空间的标签和属性到您的终端,Wicket有一个简单的设置使我们都脱离他们,实现一个普通的,符合标准的HTML。
“special sauce” in your HTMLmeans designers can mock up pages that you can use directly in development.Adding Java components
to the HTML is as simple as setting the component nameattribute. And you can then give the HTML back to your web designers knowingthat they can change it with confidence.
Wicket, more thanany other framework gives you a separation of concerns. Web designers can workon the HTML with very little knowledge of the application code
(they cannotremove the component name tags and they cannot arbitrarily change the nestingof components, but anything else goes). Likewise, coders can work on the Javacomponents that attach to the HTML without concerning themselves with what agiven page looks
like. By not stepping on each other’s toes, everyone can get more work done.
Existingframeworks are not easy
Most of theexisting toolkits have poorly defined or non-existent object models. In somecases, the model is defined using special XML syntaxes. The syntaxes
may be socumbersome that special tools are required to manipulate all the configurationinformation. Since these toolkits are not simple Java libraries you may or maynot be able to use your favorite IDE tools such as editors, debuggers andcompilers.
Wicket is allabout simplicity. There are no configuration files to learn in Wicket. Wicketis a simple class library with a consistent approach to component
structure. InWicket, your web applications will more closely resemble a Swing applicationthan a JSP application. If you know Java (and especially if you know Swing),you already know a lot about Wicket.
Wicket是简单并且有没有配置文件。 Wicket的是一个简单的类库,用一致的方法来组成结构。在Wicket中,你的Web应用程序会更接近于比JSP应用程序Swing应用程序。如果你知道的Java(特别是如果你知道Swing),你已经知道了很多关于Wicket。
Existingframeworks inhibit reusability
Tapestry and JSFat least have component models that allow reuse, but you are likely to findthat it is not particularly trivial to do, at least when compared
with Wicket.Wicket has been explicitly designed to make it very, very easy to createreusable components. It’s surprisinglysimple to extend existing components and to make compound components
such as aSignInPanel or AddressForm. It is also relatively easy to create componentsthat exploit new features of browsers. Components in Wicket can be packaged upin JAR files and reused by simply dropping them in your lib folder - noconfiguration necessary!
Tapestry和JSF至少有组件模型,允许重用,但你很可能会发现,这是不是特别容易做到,至少在Wicket相比。Wicket已经被明确设计,使其非常、非常容易地创建可重用的组件。这是令人惊讶的简单扩展现有的组件和使复合组件,如SignInPanel或为AddressForm。它也是相对容易地创建利用浏览器的新功能部件。在Wicket组件可以被打包成JAR文件,并通过简单的拖放在你的lib文件夹重复使用 - 无需进行必要的配置!
Web programmingshould be fun!
This is my mostpersonal goal for writing Wicket . None of the existing frameworks areappealing to me in terms of intuitiveness, quickness, ease of development,
etc.It is my hope that Wicket represents a significant step in the direction ofmaking web applications easy and fun to write.
Meet Apache Wicket,布布扣,bubuko.com