hdu 4622

Problem Description

Now you are back,and have a task to do:
Given you a string s consist of lower-case English letters only,denote f(s) as the number of distinct sub-string of s.
And you have some query,each time you should calculate
f(s[l...r]), s[l...r] means the sub-string of s start from l end at r.


The first line contains integer T(1<=T<=5), denote the number of the test cases.
For each test cases,the first line contains a string s(1 <= length of s <= 2000).
Denote the length of s by n.
The second line contains an integer Q(1 <= Q <= 10000),denote the number of queries.
Then Q lines follows,each lines contains two integer l, r(1 <= l <= r <= n), denote a query.


For each test cases,for each query,print the answer in one line.

Sample Input




3 4

2 2

2 5

2 4

1 4



3 3

3 4

1 4

3 5

5 5

Sample Output














两个做法,SAM 和 SA.

先说SAM. SAM的一个非常实用的性质,SAM是在线增量构造的.所以,我们就能够在线构造每个区间所对应的SAM.

合并左端点相同的询问,然后在线构造SAM,构造出SAM后,用O(n)的时间内统计出字串就ok了. 跟SPOJ那道题方法差不多.





la 与 lb 分别为一前一后的后缀在区间内的长度.

如果 lcp < la && lcp < lb

那么 la 就是下一个后缀.

如果 lcp >= la && lcp >= lb

如果 la < lb 就要换后缀.

如果 lcp >= la && lcp < lb





 1 #include<cstdlib>
 2 #include<cstdio>
 3 #include<algorithm>
 4 #include<cstring>
 5 #define rep(i,a,b) for(i = a; i < b; ++i)
 6 #define rev(i,a,b) for(i = a; i >= b; --i)
 7 using namespace std;
 8 const int maxn = (int)2500, inf = 0x3f3f3f3f;
 9 int sa[maxn],rank[maxn],height[maxn],t1[maxn],t2[maxn],c[maxn];
10 char str[maxn];
11 int n;
12 int cmp(int x[],int a,int b,int c){
13     return x[a] == x[b] && x[a+c] == x[b+c];
14 }
15 void build(int m){
16     int i,j,p = 0, *x = t1, *y = t2;
17     rep(i,0,m) c[i] = 0;
18     rep(i,0,n) c[x[i] = str[i]]++;
19     rep(i,1,m) c[i] += c[i-1];
20     rev(i,n-1,0) sa[--c[x[i]]] = i;
21     for(j = 1; j < n && p < n; j <<= 1, m = p){
22         p = 0;
23         rep(i,n-j,n) y[p++] = i;
24         rep(i,0,n) if(sa[i] >= j) y[p++] = sa[i] - j;
25         rep(i,0,m) c[i] = 0;
26         rep(i,0,n) c[x[y[i]]]++;
27         rep(i,1,m) c[i] += c[i-1];
28         rev(i,n-1,0) sa[--c[x[y[i]]]] = y[i];
29         for(swap(x,y), p = 1, x[sa[0]] = 0, i = 1; i < n; ++i)
30             x[sa[i]] = cmp(y,sa[i-1],sa[i],j) ? p - 1 : p++;
31     }
32 }
33 void calc_height(){
34     int i,j,k = 0;
35     rep(i,0,n) rank[sa[i]] = i;
36     for(i = 0; i < n; height[rank[i++]] = k)
37         for(k ? k-- : 0, j = sa[rank[i] - 1]; str[i+k] == str[j+k] && min(i,j) + k < n; k++);
38 }
39 int l,r,lcp,last,ret;
40 int getlen(int st,int ed){
41     return ed - st + 1;
42 }
43 int calc(int now,int pas){
44     int la = getlen(sa[now],r), lb = getlen(sa[pas],r);
45     return pas ? la - min(lcp,min(lb,la)) : la;
46 }
47 int getnext(int now,int pas){
48     if(!pas) return now;
49     int la = getlen(sa[now],r), lb = getlen(sa[pas],r);
50     if(lcp < min(la,lb)) return now;
51     if(lcp >= la && lcp >= lb && la > lb) return now;
52     if(lcp < la && lcp >= lb) return now;
53     return pas;
54 }
55 void solve(){
56     int i;
57     ret = last = 0; lcp = inf;
58     rep(i,0,n){
59         if(l <= sa[i] && sa[i] <= r){
60             if(last) lcp = min(lcp,height[i]);
61             ret += calc(i,last);
62             int t = getnext(i,last);
63             if(t == i) lcp = getlen(sa[i],r), last = i;
64         }
65         else if(last) lcp = min(lcp, height[i]);
66     }
67     printf("%d\n",ret);
68 }
69 int main()
70 {
71     freopen("rec.in","r",stdin);
72     freopen("rec.out","w",stdout);
73     int T,q;
74     scanf("%d\n",&T);
75     while(T--){
76         scanf("%s",str);
77         n = strlen(str);
78         str[n++] = ‘a‘ - 1;
79         build(255);
80         calc_height();
81         scanf("%d\n",&q);
82         while(q--){
83             scanf("%d %d\n",&l,&r);
84             l--; r--;
85             solve();
86         }
87     }
88     return 0;
89 }

时间: 2024-10-12 22:20:30

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