Some Life Tips I Noticed

How to Tie Shoelaces Tighter

This problem bothered me many years. My Shoelaces always loosen in walk, run, movement and so on. How about you? So I really wanted to find out a way to tie my shoelaces tighter recently. I explored many mays but they weren‘t so good. I found a video of Ted( that is interesting. I tried the way of Ted in a few days then I found it worked good most of the time but not so good sometimes. Is there no better way? Then I found the following way it is said Marathon runners also use it. Like the following picture:

I have used it for a few days and it work so good every time! However, I need much more time to find out it is time-tested or not.

Wipe the Bad Smell in the Shoes Out

Shoes to wear for a long time have a bad smell, the pungent foot odor you must don‘t like. I found a simple way to reduce this problem recently. It‘s tissues.

Yes. When you get back home and take off your shoes, you can put some tissues into the shoes. Tissue is a fibroid object and it can absorb the foot odor and sweat then your shoes don‘t smell so bad. The effect is very good really.

时间: 2024-08-10 07:38:18

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