Exercise 32: Loops And Lists

the_count = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
fruits = [‘apples‘, ‘oranges‘, ‘pears‘, ‘apricots‘]
change = [1, ‘pennies‘, 2, ‘dimes‘, 3, ‘quarters‘]
# this first kind of for-loop goes through a list
for number in the_count:
  print "This is count %d" % number
# same as above
for fruit in fruits:
  print "A fruit of type: %s" % fruit
# also we can go through mixed lists too
# notice we have to use %r since we don‘t know what‘s in it
for i in change:
  print "I got %r" % i
# we can also build lists, first start with an empty one
elements = []
# then use the range function to do 0 to 5 counts
for i in range(0, 6):
  print "Adding %d to the list." % i # append is a function that lists understand
# now we can print them out too
for i in elements:
  print "Element was: %d" % i
时间: 2024-07-29 17:47:59

Exercise 32: Loops And Lists的相关文章

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the_count = [1,2,3,4,5] fruits = ['apples', 'oranges', 'pears', 'apricots'] change = [1, 'pennies', 2, 'dimes', 3, 'quarters'] # this first kind of for-loop goes through a list for number in the_count: print("This is count %d" % number) # same a

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