

191.While working on a data problem, Curt, Bill, Ben, Mike, and Matt introduced a vast amount of corrupted data into the database.
Pablo has discovered this problem and he needs you to recover the database to the point in time prior to the introduction of the corruption.
The logical corruption was introduced at 6:30 p.m. on September 6, 2008.
Which of the following would be the correct commands to use to restore the database to a point in time before the orruption?
A. restore database until time ‘06-SEP-2008 06:30:00‘); recover database until time ‘06-SEP-2008 06:30:00‘); alter database open;
B. restore database until time ‘06-SEP-2008 06:30:00‘); recover database until time ‘06-SEP-2008 06:30:00‘); alter database open resetlogs;
C. restore database until time ‘06-SEP-2008 18:29:55‘); recover database until time ‘06-SEP-2008 18:29:55‘); alter database open resetlogs;
D. restore database until time ‘06-SEP-2008 18:29:55‘); alter database open resetlogs;
E. restore database until time ‘06-SEP-2008 18:29:55‘); recover database; alter database open resetlogs;


192.What is the purpose of the until change option of the restore command?
A. It allows you to select the SCN that you want to restore to.
B. It allows you to select the log sequence number you want to restore to.
C. It allows you to select the timestamp you want to restore to.
D. It allows you to manually stop the restore at any time as online redo logs are applied.
E. None of the above.


193.What is the purpose of the recover command? (Choose all that apply.)
A. Recover database datafiles from physical disk backup sets.
B. Recover required incremental backups from physical disk backup sets.
C. Recover required archived redo logs from physical disk backup sets.
D. Apply incremental backups to recover the database.
E. Apply archived redo logs to recover the database.


194.What is an obsolete backup set?
A. A backup set that is missing one or more backup set pieces
B. A backup that has exceeded the retention criteria and is no longer needed
C. A backup set that does not include archived redo logs
D. A backup set that can not be recovered due to corruption
E. A backup set superceded by a datafile copy


195.What is the purpose of the list expired backup command?
A. Lists all backups impacted by a resetlogs command
B. Lists all backups that are subject to retention criteria
C. Lists all backups that are missing associated physical backup set pieces
D. Lists the status of datafile backup failures due to the use of the duration command
E. Lists backups that cannot be used by the restore command because they have been marked as disabled
时间: 2024-10-11 12:34:16


centos shell编程5LANMP一键安装脚本 第三十九节课

centos shell编程5LANMP一键安装脚本  第三十九节课 上半节课 下半节课 f


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