using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Media;
using System.Windows.Media.Media3D;
namespace WaveSim
class WaveGrid
// Constants
const int MinDimension = 5;
const double Damping = 0.96;
const double SmoothingFactor = 2.0; // Gives more weight to smoothing than to velocity
// Private member data
private Point3DCollection _ptBuffer1;
private Point3DCollection _ptBuffer2;
private Int32Collection _triangleIndices;
private int _dimension;
// Pointers to which buffers contain:
// - Current: Most recent data
// - Old: Earlier data
// These two pointers will swap, pointing to ptBuffer1/ptBuffer2 as we cycle the buffers
private Point3DCollection _currBuffer;
private Point3DCollection _oldBuffer;
/// <summary>
/// Construct new grid of a given dimension
/// </summary>
<param name= "Dimension" ></param>
public WaveGrid( int Dimension)
if (Dimension < MinDimension)
throw new ApplicationException( string .Format( "Dimension must be at least {0}" , MinDimension.ToString()));
_ptBuffer1 = new Point3DCollection(Dimension * Dimension);
_ptBuffer2 = new Point3DCollection(Dimension * Dimension);
_triangleIndices = new Int32Collection((Dimension - 1) * (Dimension - 1) * 2);
_dimension = Dimension;
_currBuffer = _ptBuffer2;
_oldBuffer = _ptBuffer1;
/// <summary>
/// Access to underlying grid data
/// </summary>
public Point3DCollection Points
get { return _currBuffer; }
/// <summary>
/// Access to underlying triangle index collection
/// </summary>
public Int32Collection TriangleIndices
get { return _triangleIndices; }
/// <summary>
/// Dimension of grid--same dimension for both X & Y
/// </summary>
public int Dimension
get { return _dimension; }
/// <summary>
/// Set center of grid to some peak value (high point). Leave
/// rest of grid alone. Note: If dimension is even, we‘re not
/// exactly at the center of the grid--no biggie.
/// </summary>
<param name= "PeakValue" ></param>
public void SetCenterPeak( double PeakValue)
int nCenter = ( int )_dimension / 2;
// Change data in oldest buffer, then make newest buffer
// become oldest by swapping
Point3D pt = _oldBuffer[(nCenter * _dimension) + nCenter];
pt.Y = ( int )PeakValue;
_oldBuffer[(nCenter * _dimension) + nCenter] = pt;
/// <summary>
/// Leave buffers in place, but change notation of which one is most recent
/// </summary>
private void SwapBuffers()
Point3DCollection temp = _currBuffer;
_currBuffer = _oldBuffer;
_oldBuffer = temp;
/// <summary>
/// Clear out points/triangles and regenerates
/// </summary>
<param name= "grid" ></param>
private void InitializePointsAndTriangles()
int nCurrIndex = 0; // March through 1-D arrays
for ( int row = 0; row < _dimension; row++)
for ( int col = 0; col < _dimension; col++)
// In grid, X/Y values are just row/col numbers
_ptBuffer1.Add( new Point3D(col, 0.0, row));
// Completing new square, add 2 triangles
if ((row > 0) && (col > 0))
// Triangle 1
_triangleIndices.Add(nCurrIndex - _dimension - 1);
_triangleIndices.Add(nCurrIndex - _dimension);
// Triangle 2
_triangleIndices.Add(nCurrIndex - _dimension - 1);
_triangleIndices.Add(nCurrIndex - 1);
// 2nd buffer exists only to have 2nd set of Z values
_ptBuffer2 = _ptBuffer1.Clone();
/// <summary>
/// Determine next state of entire grid, based on previous two states.
/// This will have the effect of propagating ripples outward.
/// </summary>
public void ProcessWater()
// Note that we write into old buffer, which will then become our
// "current" buffer, and current will become old.
// I.e. What starts out in _currBuffer shifts into _oldBuffer and we
// write new data into _currBuffer. But because we just swap pointers,
// we don‘t have to actually move data around.
// When calculating data, we don‘t generate data for the cells around
// the edge of the grid, because data smoothing looks at all adjacent
// cells. So instead of running [0,n-1], we run [1,n-2].
double velocity; // Rate of change from old to current
double smoothed; // Smoothed by adjacent cells
double newHeight;
int neighbors;
int nPtIndex = 0; // Index that marches through 1-D point array
// Remember that Y value is the height (the value that we‘re animating)
for ( int row = 0; row < _dimension ; row++)
for ( int col = 0; col < _dimension; col++)
velocity = -1.0 * _oldBuffer[nPtIndex].Y; // row, col
smoothed = 0.0;
neighbors = 0;
if (row > 0) // row-1, col
smoothed += _currBuffer[nPtIndex - _dimension].Y;
if (row < (_dimension - 1)) // row+1, col
smoothed += _currBuffer[nPtIndex + _dimension].Y;
if (col > 0) // row, col-1
smoothed += _currBuffer[nPtIndex - 1].Y;
if (col < (_dimension - 1)) // row, col+1
smoothed += _currBuffer[nPtIndex + 1].Y;
// Will always have at least 2 neighbors
smoothed /= ( double )neighbors;
// New height is combination of smoothing and velocity
newHeight = smoothed * SmoothingFactor + velocity;
// Damping
newHeight = newHeight * Damping;
// We write new data to old buffer
Point3D pt = _oldBuffer[nPtIndex];
pt.Y = newHeight; // row, col
_oldBuffer[nPtIndex] = pt;
Finally, we need to hook everything up. When our main window fires up, we create an instance of <strong>WaveGrid </strong>and set the center point in the grid to some peak value. When we start the animation, this higher point will fall and trigger the waves.
We do all of the animation in the <strong>CompositionTarget.Rendering </strong> event handler. This is the recommended spot to do custom animations in WPF, as opposed to doing the animation in some timer Tick event . (<em>Windows Presentation Foundation Unleashed</em>, Nathan, pg 470).
When you attach a handler to the <strong>Rendering </strong> event , WPF just continues rendering frames indefinitely. One problem is that the handler will get called for every frame rendered, which turns out to be too fast for our water animation. To get the water to look right, we keep track of the time that we last rendered a frame and then wait a specified number of milliseconds before rendering another.
Here is the full source code for Window1.xaml.cs:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls;
using System.Windows.Data;
using System.Windows.Documents;
using System.Windows.Input;
using System.Windows.Media;
using System.Windows.Media.Media3D;
using System.Windows.Media.Imaging;
using System.Windows.Navigation;
using System.Windows.Shapes;
using System.Windows.Threading;
namespace WaveSim
/// <summary>
/// Interaction logic for Window1.xaml
/// </summary>
public partial class Window1 : Window
private Vector3D zoomDelta;
private WaveGrid _grid;
private bool _rendering;
private double _lastTimeRendered;
private double _firstPeak = 6.5;
// Values to try:
// GridSize=20, RenderPeriod=125
// GridSize=50, RenderPeriod=50
private const int GridSize = 50;
private const double RenderPeriodInMS = 50;
public Window1()
_grid = new WaveGrid(GridSize); // 10x10 grid
slidPeakHeight.Value = _firstPeak;
meshMain.Positions = _grid.Points;
meshMain.TriangleIndices = _grid.TriangleIndices;
// On each WheelMouse change, we zoom in/out a particular % of the original distance
const double ZoomPctEachWheelChange = 0.02;
zoomDelta = Vector3D.Multiply(ZoomPctEachWheelChange, camMain.LookDirection);
private void Window_MouseWheel( object sender, MouseWheelEventArgs e)
if (e.Delta > 0)
// Zoom in
camMain.Position = Point3D.Add(camMain.Position, zoomDelta);
// Zoom out
camMain.Position = Point3D.Subtract(camMain.Position, zoomDelta);
// Start/stop animation
private void btnStart_Click( object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
if (!_rendering)
_grid = new WaveGrid(GridSize); // 10x10 grid
meshMain.Positions = _grid.Points;
_lastTimeRendered = 0.0;
CompositionTarget.Rendering += new EventHandler(CompositionTarget_Rendering);
btnStart.Content = "Stop" ;
slidPeakHeight.IsEnabled = false ;
_rendering = true ;
CompositionTarget.Rendering -= new EventHandler(CompositionTarget_Rendering);
btnStart.Content = "Start" ;
slidPeakHeight.IsEnabled = true ;
_rendering = false ;
void CompositionTarget_Rendering( object sender, EventArgs e)
RenderingEventArgs rargs = (RenderingEventArgs)e;
if ((rargs.RenderingTime.TotalMilliseconds - _lastTimeRendered) > RenderPeriodInMS)
// Unhook Positions collection from our mesh, for performance
// (see
meshMain.Positions = null ;
// Do the next iteration on the water grid, propagating waves
// Then update our mesh to use new Z values
meshMain.Positions = _grid.Points;
_lastTimeRendered = rargs.RenderingTime.TotalMilliseconds;
private void slidPeakHeight_ValueChanged( object sender, RoutedPropertyChangedEventArgs< double > e)
_firstPeak = slidPeakHeight.Value;