An interpretation of depth value

An Interpretation of Depth Value

Recently when I am working on Screen Space
Reflection, I noticed there are some subtleties in the computation of depth

In this article I will explain the deeper
meaning in the computation of depth value.

Perspective Projection Matrix

First, it is well known that the DirectX
perspective projection matrix is:

In this matrix:

 is width of the

 is height of
the screen

 is near
clipping plane

 is far clipping

All these values are measured in camera

Since DirectX uses row vector, the z and w
component are:

After perspective division, the actual
depth value is:

But what does it mean? Is there any deeper
meaning in it? Why not use a simpler one, like linear interpolation?

The answer to the second question is yes.

To dive into the deeper meaning, first we
express  as an expression
of ,
we get:

Something interesting happens! The depth
value is linear interpolation weight for the reciprocal of near and far value!

Sounds great, but who cares? Yes, in most
cases, you don’t need to care about that. However, in some specific case, it
will bring you a lot of convenience. Screen space reflection is an example.

Ray Marching in Screen Space

In screen space reflection, one need to
perform ray marching and find the intersection of a ray and depth buffer. Of
course, ray marching can be performed in view space, but it’s difficult to
choose a proper step size because the same step size in view space appear
smaller and smaller when the ray is moving away from the camera. Alternatively,
performing ray marching in screen space can avoid this problem because you can
choose the step size based on the pixel size. However, as the depth value is a
non-linear function of z value in view space, the step size for depth value is
not constant. If you use the projection matrix to calculate the depth value
based on the x and y values in every step, that will cause a lot of
computation. Is there a fast way to calculate the depth value? Yes! And the
linear interpolation nature of the reciprocal of depth value is the heart of
this method.

To explain this, I would like to formulate
the problem first. Suppose you know the view space coordinates of the both ends
of a line segment AB, denoted as  and
The projection matrix is also known, so you can calculate their screen space
coordinates  and
You want to perform linear interpolation on image plane with  the
interpolation weight. The xy coordinate of point C is easy:

But how
can I get  conveniently,
given  ? I can
calculate  given
, it’s

So, the
next step is to know the relationship between s and t.

let’s look at the picture below, it’s the equivalent version of the last




Then we

Also we


Put them
together, we have

Put it
into  ,
we have:

we get

That is
to say, instead of using  to
linear interpolate  ,we can use  to
linear interpolate !
We’ve already use  to linear
interpolate xy coordinate. Furthermore, we can consider  as
a special coordinate axis. So, in the (x’, y’, 1/z) coordinate space, every
axis can be linear interpolated!

Why is the depth value like that?

From the
first section, we know the depth value is the linear interpolation weight for
the reciprocal of near and far value.

From the
second section, we know (x’, y’, 1/z) can be linear interpolated.

Then we

means  linearly
interpolates depth value, and in the (x’, y’, depth) coordinate space, every
axis can be linear interpolated.

To show
the benefit of this, let’s see the picture above, suppose there is a line
segment in view space, if we choose a na?ve depth (for example, linear
interpolating near and far value), the line segment will become a curve in (x’,
y’, depth) space. However, by using DirectX depth (OpenGL depth is similar),
the line segment will be still a line segment!

that appear straight/planarin
view space, will also appear straight/planar in clip space.
That is the idea behind the depth computation formula.




时间: 2024-08-10 17:02:53

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