"constantize" and "with_indifferent_access" method

[31] pry(main)> ‘packages‘.classify
=> "Package"

[33] pry(main)> ‘packages‘.classify.constantize
=> Package

[40] pry(main)> hash = {key: ‘value‘}
=> {:key=>"value"}
[41] pry(main)> hash[:key]
=> "value"
[42] pry(main)> hash[‘key‘]
=> nil

[44] pry(main)> hash = {key: ‘value‘}.with_indifferent_access
=> {"key"=>"value"}

[45] pry(main)> hash[:key]
=> "value"
[46] pry(main)> hash[‘key‘]
=> "value"
[47] pry(main)> hash[‘key‘]
=> "value"

[49] pry(main)> app
=> #<RecommendApp _id: 539e995277616e7f74000000, created_at: 2014-06-16 07:14:26 UTC, updated_at: 2014-06-16 07:14:26 UTC, type: 1, position: 0, app_id: BSON::ObjectId(‘53970af477616e1878d40100‘)>

[50] pry(main)> app.position
=> 0

[51] pry(main)> app.read_attribute :position
=> 0

[52] pry(main)> app.type
=> 1
[53] pry(main)> app.type_human

"constantize" and "with_indifferent_access" method,布布扣,bubuko.com

时间: 2025-01-04 18:53:24

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