C++ vs C#: Performance


C++ vs C#: Performance

Most programmers know that performance isn‘t the most important consideration when picking a language.  Ease of use and community support are also important.  Typically it‘s wise to pick the highest-level language that can meet the demands of the application, to use the right tool for the job.

My job is game development.  More and more games are being written completely in higher-level languages like C# and Java, which certainly have their advantages.

Last year, I was working on a C# game engine, because I like C# and because it‘s good enough for a lot of games.  But I was curious about just how much slower it is for a game engine than C++.  So I put together a simple C#-only demo (using OpenTK) that draws a bunch of 3D textured cubes and bounces them around inside the view volume.  Each cube is drawn and animated every frame.  I also implemented dynamic batching whereby individual cubes are combined into 1 draw call.  Then I pumped up the number of cubes until the frame rate got down to ~30 fps (~34 ms per frame).

I ended up with 25600 cubes being drawn and moved each frame.  My PC is starting to age, but I have a Core i7 processor with 8 cores (but the test app is single threaded), 12 GB of RAM, and an nVidia GeForce 8600 GTS video card.

Then I wrote a C++ version of the test app using OpenGL and freeglut.  It did exactly the same thing: the same geometry, the same texture, the same algorithm for bouncing, the same number of cubes.  It looked identical in every way, and it ran more than twice as fast (~13 ms per frame).

If you google "c# c++ performance comparison", you‘ll get a host of articles comparing performance between the two and other languages, like Java.  I found quite a few claiming that C# is only 10-20% slower than C++, which IMO, makes C# the clear choice.  But there are others that say C# is only half the speed of C++, which is what I found for this case.  To be clear, C# isn‘t so much slower for every case, and it‘s perfectly suited to a wide array of applications, including many games.

So after seeing the difference between pure C# and pure C++, I was curious how a hybrid would perform.  I wrote the core app in C++ which embedded the mono runtime and performed all the batching and rendering.  The C++ code loaded a C# assembly which instantiated the cubes and performed the "game logic" of bouncing the cubes around.  I wanted to emulate the way game engines like Unity use mono: C++ engine + game logic in C#.  Again, this hybrid test app produced exactly the same output as the C# and C++ versions, and it ran just a little more slowly than the pure C++ version (~15 ms per frame).

The code for all 3 apps is here.  I built and ran these apps on linux, and so I can‘t vouch for windows.  I used Eclipse for the C++ version and QT Creator for the hybrid.  I used Mono Develop for the C# code.

A couple other notes:

  • The C# code does not perform any memory allocations during the game loop, so garbage collection isn‘t an issue at all.
  • The hybrid version uses unsafe code in order for the C# and C++ sides to share the same memory.  Specifically, the C# code updates the positions and velocities of the cube in the same memory that the C++ code then reads when it renders the cubes.  I don‘t know how Unity does it, but I would imagine that marshaling that data across the C#/C++ boundary would only make it slower.  The code in the zip file shows how I did it.



So did I continue with my C# engine?  Nope.  It was a close call, but I thought that the types of games that I want to make might cause a pure C# game to bog down (like Minecraft does (which is an awesome game...I‘m not ragging on it)).  I ran into this situation with Now Boarding.  It performed great until we started getting closer to the end after adding more and more visual content.  Since I‘m starting a business now, laying a new foundation for future work, I don‘t want to get stuck later with a code base I can‘t make fast enough.  So I decided to lay C# aside and pick C++ back up again.

What about the hybrid version?  Isn‘t it the best of both worlds?  Yes and no.  Mono is a fast, extremely functional runtime, and it is pretty easy to embed in applications.  But it‘s a giant runtime with all kinds of features I don‘t need.  It‘s also not completely free.  Integrating a scripting language with an engine is a lot of work (I‘ve done it with lua, and I started with mono), and in the end I decided to stick with pure C++.

There are a couple of questions that naturally follow:

  • Isn‘t the productivity of C# worth the runtime cost?
  • Why would you write your own engine anyway?

I‘ll write about those separately.

时间: 2024-12-19 13:40:53

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