publish html report报错:This is especially strange since your build otherwise succeeded

jenkins配置publish html report显示HTML测试报告报错:

[htmlpublisher] Archiving HTML reports...
[htmlpublisher] Archiving at BUILD level /home/jenkins/workspace/***/test-output to /var/jenkins_home/jobs//***/builds/60/htmlreports/HTML_20Report
ERROR: Directory ‘/home/jenkins/workspace//***/test-output‘ exists but failed copying to ‘/var/jenkins_home/jobs//***/builds/60/htmlreports/HTML_20Report‘.
ERROR: This is especially strange since your build otherwise succeeded.
Build step ‘Publish HTML reports‘ changed build result to FAILURE
Finished: FAILURE


开发Jenkins插件的时候, maven install报错:Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-enforcer-plugin:3.0.0-M1:enforce (display-info) on project QaJenkinsPlugin: Some Enforcer rules have failed. Look above for specific messages explaining why the rule failed. -> [Help 1]



时间: 2024-08-01 00:23:43

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