Ng Machine learning

Machine learning Preface


  • T: Task
  • E: Experience
  • P: Performance
  • Sequence: T -> E -> P

Supervised learning


  • Give the right answer to each example of the data set(called training data).


  • Regression: get the continuous values
  • Classification: get the discrete values like 0, 1, 2, 3 and so on

application scenarios

  • Regression: predict the price of the house based on the square, location of the house

    • house price
  • Classification:
    • Tumor prediction
    • Spam filter

Unsupervised learning


  • Cluster algorithm

application scenarios

  • Google news: get lots of related news in the Internet and put them in one set of URL.
  • Social network: find the common friends.
  • Market segmentation: We all know the data, but we don‘t know the what kinds of market segmentation, so let unsupervised learning to deal with it.
  • Extract human voice from records: you know, there are some noise in these records, we need to get the human voice, so we let cluster algorithm to deal with.


Recommender system


时间: 2024-08-25 06:31:39

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