
Telling Tomcat to save session records in MySQL

此部分内容摘自 MySQL cookbook 3th。具体内容不做翻译,哈哈,懒

The default Tomcat default session storage mechanism uses temporary files. To save

sessions using JDBC with MySQL instead, follow this procedure:

  1. Create a table to hold session records.
  2. Make sure that Tomcat can access the proper JDBC driver.
  3. Modify the appropriate Tomcat configuration file to specify use of a persistent ses‐

    sion manager for the relevant application context.

None of these steps involve modifying the sample session script in any way, which

reflects how Tomcat implements session support above the application level.

Create the Tomcat session table.

  1. Tomcat stores several types of information in the session table:
  2. The session ID. By default, IDs are 32-character MD5 values.
  3. The application name.
  4. The session data. This is a serialized string.
  5. Whether the session is valid, as a single byte.
  6. The maximum permitted inactivity time, as a 32-bit integer measured in seconds.
  7. The last access time, as a 64-bit integer.

The following table satisfies those specifications; create it now before proceeding:

CREATE TABLE tomcat_session
    id VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL,
    app VARCHAR(255),
    data LONGBLOB,
    valid_session CHAR(1) NOT NULL,
    max_inactive INT NOT NULL,
    update_time BIGINT NOT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY (id),
    INDEX (app)

Place the JDBC driver where Tomcat can find it.

Because Tomcat itself manages sessions, it must be able to access the JDBC driver

used to store sessions in a database. It’s common to install drivers in the lib directory

of the Tomcat tree so that they’re available both to Tomcat and to applications.(备注:如果war中中已经有引用 mysql jdbc driver 则不需要专门将驱动jar包拷贝到 tomcat 的lib 目录下)

Modify the Tomcat configuration file.

To tell Tomcat to use the tomcat_session table, modify the mcb application context

file. Change location into the webapps/mcb/META-INF under the Tomcat we

bapps directory, copy context.xml.jdbc to context.xml, and restart Tomcat.

If you look in context.xml, you’ll find a <Context> element containing a <Manager> element that specifies the use of JDBC for MySQL-based session storage:


The <Manager> element attributes specify general session-related options. Within the

<Manager> element body, the <Store> element provides attributes pertaining to the

JDBC driver. The following discussion focuses on the attributes shown in the example,

but there are others you can use. For more information, see the Tomcat session-

management documentation.

The <Manager> attributes shown in the example have the following meanings:

  • className:The Java class that implements persistent session storage. It must be

    org.apache.catalina.session.PersistentManager .

  • saveOnRestart:Whether application sessions survive server restarts. Set it to true to have Tomcat

    save current sessions when it shuts down (and reload them when it starts up).

  • maxIdleBackup:The number of seconds before inactive sessions are eligible for being saved to MySQL. A value of -1 (the default) means “never.”
  • maxIdleSwap:The number of seconds before idle sessions should be swapped (saved to MySQL and passivated out of server memory). A value of -1 (the default) means “never.”

    If not -1 , the value should be at least as great as maxIdleBackup .

  • minIdleSwap:The number of seconds before idle sessions are eligible to be swapped. A value of -1 (the default) means “never.” If not -1 , the value should be less than maxIdleSwap

Within the <Manager> element, the <Store> element indicates how to connect to the

database server, the names of the database and table for storing session records, and the

names of the columns in the table:

  • className:The name of a class that implements the org.apache.catalina.Store interface.

    For JDBC-based storage managers, the value is org.apache.catalina.session.JDBCStore .

  • driverName:The class name for the JDBC driver. For the Connector/J driver, the value is com.mysql.jdbc.Driver.
  • connectionURL:The URL for connecting to the database server, with characters that are special in XML properly encoded. The following URL connects to the MySQL server on the local host, using a database, username, and password of cookbook , cbuser , and cbpass , respectively. Notice that the & character that separates the user and pass word connection parameters is written as the & entity: jdbc:mysql://localhost/cookbook?user=cbuser&password=cbpass
  • sessionTable The table in which to store session records. For our example, this is the tomcat_session table described earlier.

(The database that contains the table appears in the connectionURL value.) The remaining


MySQL 大版本指尖引用类名包路径改变

此部分内容摘自:com.mysql.jdbc.Driver 和 com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver的区别 serverTimezone设定

com.mysql.jdbc.Driver 是 mysql-connector-java 5中的,

com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver 是 mysql-connector-java 6中的

1、JDBC连接Mysql5 com.mysql.jdbc.Driver:


2、JDBC连接Mysql6 com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver, 需要指定时区serverTimezone:




Java连接MySQL数据库,提示Establishing SSL connection without警告

此内容摘自:Java连接MySQL数据库,提示Establishing SSL connection without警告


Tue Jul 11 18:04:07 CST 2017 WARN: Establishing SSL connection without server‘s identity verification is not recommended. According to MySQL 5.5.45+, 5.6.26+ and 5.7.6+ requirements SSL connection must be established by default if explicit option isn‘t set. For compliance with existing applications not using SSL the verifyServerCertificate property is set to ‘false‘. You need either to explicitly disable SSL by setting useSSL=false, or set useSSL=true and provide truststore for server certificate verification.


  1. 在jdbc连接后添加 useSSL=false 参数
  1. 如果以上办法无效,则降低 mysql-connector-java 依赖版本,如下



tomcat 默认是将这部分session相关的信息放在文件里边的,通过上述的配置能够将对应的信息放到MySQL中,如果大并发大数据量的情况下性能应该更好一些。实际上如果有多个tomcat,可以让这些Tomcat都连接到该数据库,则可以实现分布式session的共享。当然在大并发大数据的情况下往往更好的做法是将session的信息放到redis 中,性能应该会更好一些。


2018.8.19 17:57


时间: 2024-11-09 00:37:39



首先,在conf/context.xml中文件中,将以下的配置加入到根结点下: <Manager className="org.apache.catalina.session.PersistentManager"       maxActiveSessions="-1"       minIdleSwap="-1"       maxIdleSwap="-1"       maxIdleBackup="-1&q

[转]session 持久化问题(重启服务器session 仍然存在)

转: 关于在线人数统计,大都使用SessionListener监听器实现. SessionListener 触发源:  1.Session Create 时 2.Session timeout 时 3.显式调用session的invalidate方法 时 4.在Tomcat设置Session持久化为FALSE的情况下,Tomcat关闭时,触发Session destroy事件 5.在Tomcat设置Sess

Tomcat Session 持久化

Session的主要数据被存储在服务器内存中,而服务器会为每个在线用户创建一个Session对象,当在线用户很多时,例如同时有几万或是几十万在线的情况下,Session内存的开销将会十分巨大,会影响Web服务器性能.而Session的钝化机制刚好可解决此问题.Session钝化机制的本质就在于把服务器中不经常使用的Session对象暂时序列化到系统文件系统或是数据库系统中,当被使用时反序列化到内存中,整个过程由服务器自动完成. 实现: 要完成session持久化,存放在session里的对象必须

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阅读目录 什么是Session Session的目的 实现机制 Tomcat中的session实现 session存在的问题 什么是Session 对Tomcat而言,Session是一块在服务器开辟的内存空间,其存储结构为ConcurrentHashMap: Session的目的 Http协议是一种无状态协议,即每次服务端接收到客户端的请求时,都是一个全新的请求,服务器并不知道客户端的历史请求记录: Session的主要目的就是为了弥补Http的无状态特性.简单的说,就是服务器可以利用sess


接博客nginx或httpd实现负载均衡tomcat(三) tomcat实现会话管理原理及实现: tomcat管理会话使用的专用的会话管理组件,tomcat的会话管理器有4种: 1.标准会话管理器(StanderdManager) 2.持久会话管理器(PersistentManager可以基于文件存储(FileStore)或JDBC存储(JDBCStore)) 基于JDBC的话就可以实现高可用tomcat的session集群. 1.DeltaManager会话管理器 2.BackupManage

Apache 如何反响代理tomcat并且实现Session保持

简介 LAMT=Linux+Apache+MySQL+Tomcat: Tomcat 服务器是一个免费的开放源代码的Web 应用服务器,属于轻量级应用服务器: 在中小型系统和并发访问用户不是很多的场合下被普遍使用,是开发和调试JSP 程序的首选: 架构需求 Tomcat实现JSP动态请求解析的基本架构 说明:由后端Tomcat负责解析动态jsp请求,但为了提高响应性能,在同一主机内配置Apache做反向代理,转发所有请求至tomcat即可: 完整的LNMT架构设计 说明:本篇博客主要讲解单台Hap


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