- Keepalived自动化安装;
- keepalived_vrid配置,自动根据vip获取最后一段作为vrid,确保同一网段不会出现vrid冲突导致HA切换失败的问题;
- 自动配置Keepalived;
- HA检测脚本自定义,根据脚本内容,来做redis或nginx或其他软件的双机热备;
- 自动配置vip给Keepalived
- 设置Keepalived开机启动,加入系统服务;
1 - name: keepalived install and configuration 2 hosts: "{{ host }}" 3 user: root 4 5 tasks: 6 - name: Create the dir 7 file: path={{ item }} state=directory 8 with_items: 9 - /usr/local/keepalived 10 - /etc/keepalived 11 - /keepalived_install 12 13 - name: install rpm pkgs for Keepalived 14 yum: name={{ item }} state=present 15 with_items: 16 - make 17 - wget 18 - gcc 19 - gcc-c++ 20 - openssl 21 - openssl-devel 22 - popt-devel 23 - automake 24 - autoconf 25 - libtool 26 - ipvsadm 27 - popt-devel 28 - popt-static 29 - libnl-devel 30 - libnfnetlink-devel 31 - nmap 32 33 - name: download keepalived 34 get_url: url= dest=/keepalived_install 35 36 - name: unarchive keepalived 37 unarchive: src=/keepalived_install/keepalived-1.2.19.tar.gz dest=/keepalived_install copy=no 38 39 - name: compile and install keepalived 40 shell: cd /keepalived_install/keepalived-1.2.19 && ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/keepalived && make && make install 41 42 - name: compile and install keepalived 43 command: "{{ item }}" 44 with_items: 45 - /bin/cp /usr/local/keepalived/etc/rc.d/init.d/keepalived /etc/init.d/ 46 - /bin/cp /usr/local/keepalived/etc/sysconfig/keepalived /etc/sysconfig/ 47 - /bin/cp /usr/local/keepalived/sbin/keepalived /bin/keepalived 48 - /bin/chmod +x /etc/init.d/keepalived 49 - /sbin/chkconfig --add keepalived 50 - /sbin/chkconfig --level 345 keepalived on 51 52 - name: configure keepalived 53 template: src=/ansible/roles/test/template/keepalived.conf.j2 dest=/etc/keepalived/keepalived.conf 54 notify: restart keepalived 55 56 - name: copy nginx service check scripts to remote host 57 template: src=/ansible/roles/test/template/check_nginx.sh.j2 dest=/usr/local/keepalived/check_nginx.sh mode=0755 58 59 - name: copy vrid config_scripts to remote host 60 template: src=/ansible/roles/test/template/replace_vrid.sh.j2 dest=/tmp/keepalived.sh mode=0755 61 62 - name: modify keepalived_vrid 63 shell: sh /tmp/keepalived.sh 64 65 - name: delete the tmp files. 66 file: path={{ item }} state=absent 67 with_items: 68 - /keepalived_install/keepalived-1.2.19.tar.gz 69 - /keepalived_install/keepalived-1.2.19 70 - /keepalived_install 71 - /tmp/keepalived.sh 72 73 handlers: 74 - name: config vrid 75 shell: bash /tmp/keepalived.sh 76 77 handlers: 78 - name: restart keepalived 79 service: name=keepalived enabled=yes state=restarted
1 ! Configuration File for keepalived 2 3 global_defs { 4 router_id Nginx 5 } 6 7 vrrp_script chk_nginx { 8 script "/usr/local/keepalived/check_nginx.sh" 9 interval 2 10 fall 3 11 weight -5 12 rise 1 13 } 14 15 vrrp_instance VI_1 { 16 state BACKUP 17 interface {{ ansible_default_ipv4[‘alias‘] }} 18 virtual_router_id keepalived_vrid 19 priority 90 20 nopreempt 21 advert_int 1 22 authentication { 23 auth_type PASS 24 auth_pass 1111 25 } 26 virtual_ipaddress { 27 {{ nginx_havip }} 28 } 29 track_script { 30 chk_nginx 31 } 32 }
1 #!/bin/sh 2 # check nginx server status 3 4 # Source Function Library 5 . /etc/init.d/functions 6 7 NGINX="/usr/local/nginx/sbin/nginx" 8 NGINX_CONF="/usr/local/nginx/conf/nginx.conf" 9 NGINX_PID="/usr/local/nginx/logs/nginx.pid" 10 PORT=80 11 12 start_nginx() { 13 daemon $NGINX -c $NGINX_CONF 14 } 15 16 stop_nginx() { 17 killproc -p $NGINX_PID $NGINX -TERM 18 } 19 20 nmap localhost -p $PORT | grep "$PORT/tcp open" 21 22 if [ $? -ne 0 ];then 23 stop_nginx 24 start_nginx 25 sleep 3 26 nmap localhost -p $PORT | grep "$PORT/tcp open" 27 [ $? -ne 0 ] && /etc/init.d/keepalived stop 28 fi
时间: 2025-01-01 02:24:46