
# cache.config
# The purpose of this file is to alter caching parameters of
#   specific objects or sets of objects
# Each line consists of a set of tag value pairs.  The pairs
#   are in the format  <tag>=<value>
# Each line must include exactly one primary specifier
#   Primary destination specifiers are
#     dest_domain=
#     dest_host=
#     dest_ip=
#     url_regex=
# Lines may include any number of the secondary specifiers but
#    secondary specifiers may not be duplicated on the same line
#   Secondary specifiers are
#     port=
#     scheme=
#     prefix=
#     suffix=
#     method=
#     time=
#     src_ip=
# Each line must include exactly one cache directive
#   Cache directives are
#     action=never-cache
#     action=ignore-no-cache          (client & server no cache)
#     action=ignore-client-no-cache   (only client no cache)
#     action=ignore-server-no-cache   (only server no cache)
#     pin-in-cache=<time>
#     revalidate=<time>
#     ttl-in-cache=<time>             (force caching and expire after <time>)
# Each line may also contain various "tweaks" which adjust caching parameters.
#   Tweaks are
#     cache-responses-to-cookies=<value>
#       - Change the style of caching with regard to cookies. This effectively
#         overrides the configuration parameter
#           proxy.config.http.cache.cache_responses_to_cookies
#         and uses the same values with the same semantics. The override happens
#         only for requests that match.
# Examples
#  Revalidate all http objects from after 2 hours
#   scheme=http  revalidate=2h
##http black url
url= action=never-cache
url= action=never-cache

##http video file type
url_regex=.* suffix=flv,f4v,hlv,fhv,letv,ts,avi,mov,rm,rmvb,ram,wmv,mkv,mp3,mp4,wma,mid,asf,wav,asx,m2ts,msu,aac,ape,flac,m4a,midi,dbts,265ts,amp4,f4vcrc,265tscrc,m4s ttl-in-cache=720h

##http download file type
url_regex=.* suffix=exe,msi,rar,iso,cab,psf,zip,gz,tgz,bzip,bzip2,ta,bz2,tar,m4r,dpk,pak,apk,ipa,xap,pdf,esd,appxbundle,mds,mtz,7z,patch,patch2,vcdiff,aup,gmz,apt,dll,dmg,dat,cup,001,002,003,eupd,dangbei,dac ttl-in-cache=240h

##http dynamic request
url_regex=.* suffix=asp,aspx,php,do,dwr,cgi,fcgi,action,axd,json,py,perl,lua,m3u8 action=never-cache
时间: 2024-08-02 13:30:55



# # # Process Records Config File # # <RECORD-TYPE> <NAME> <TYPE> <VALUE (till end of line)> # # RECORD-TYPE: CONFIG, LOCAL # NAME: name of variable # TYPE: INT, STRING, FLOAT # VALUE: Initial value for record # # # *NOTE*: All opt


# # URL Remapping Config File # # Using remap.config allows you to accomplish two things: # # 1) Rewrite a URL (from the client) before sending it to the Origin Server. # 2) Protect the proxy server, to only allow certain requests. # # With the defau


<system.web>  <!--             设置 compilation debug="true" 将调试符号插入            已编译的页面中.但由于这会             影响性能,因此只在开发过程中将此值             设置为 true.        -->  <compilation debug="true"/>  <!-- 配置验证级别            通过 <


1.配置Access数据库连接 Provider属性用于指定使用的数据库引擎,Data Source属性用于指定Access数据库文件位于计算机中的物理位置.ASP.NET 应用程序将 |DataDirectory| 解析为“<应用程序根目录>/app_data”文件夹. <configuration> <appSettings>  <add key="accessCon" value="Provider=Microsoft.Jet.


在邮件发送系统或者其他一些传送文件的网站中,用户传送文件的大小是有限制的,因为这样不但可以节省服务器的空间,还可以提高传送文件的速度.下面介绍如何在Web.Config文件中配置限制上传文件大小与时间. 在Web.Config文件中配置限制上传文件大小与时间字符串时,是在<httpRuntime><httpRuntime/>节中完成的,需要设置以下2个属性: maxRequestLength属性:用于防止服务器攻击,例如因用户向服务器发送大型文件而导致的拒绝访问.默认值为4096(

C# WinForm中 App.config 文件配置

应用程序配置文件,对于asp.net是 web.config对于WINFORM程序是 App.Config(ExeName.exe.config). 配置文件,对于程序本身来说,就是基础和依据,其本质是一个xml文件,对于配置文件的操作,从.NET 2.0 开始,就非常方便了,提供了 System [.Web] .Configuration 这个管理功能的NameSpace,要使用它,需要添加对 System.configuration.dll的引用. 对于WINFORM程序,使用 System


1.添加配置文件 新建一个winform应用程序,类似webfrom下有个web.config,winform下也有个App.config;不过 App.config不是自动生成的需要手动添加,鼠标右健项目—〉添加—〉添加新项—〉添加  应用程序配置文件文件[App.Config]. 2.配置文件如下 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?><configuration>  <appSettings

C# 中的 App.config 文件配置

应用程序配置文件,对于asp.net是 web.config对于WINFORM程序是 App.Config(ExeName.exe.config). 配置文件,对于程序本身来说,就是基础和依据,其本质是一个xml文件,对于配置文件的操作,从.NET 2.0 开始,就非常方便了,提供了 System [.Web] .Configuration 这个管理功能的NameSpace,要使用它,需要添加对 System.configuration.dll的引用. 对于WINFORM程序,使用 System


最新的framework使用如下方法: using System.Configuration; ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["key"]; App.config中,如下配置: <appSettings> <add key="key" value="value"/> </appSettings>