
RightLink is the instance side agent that supports RightScale‘s RightNet protocol.


The agent provides an improved and secure ability to leverage RightScale to manage large numbers of instances in the cloud.


The RightLink agent communicates with the core RightScale systems using the Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP).


RightNet leverages AMQP‘s Simple Authentication and Security Layer
(SASL) support to perform a basic session authentication to ensure that
the RightLink agent is talking to a legitimate RightScale core component
(a broker in our lingo).相当于中间人


1. The cleanest and best way to move to v5 images is to find a
v5 ServerTemplate, clone it and make the modifications needed to
effectively duplicate the functionality you currently have. This will
work like a charm if you if you did your scripts right and took a
modular approach to deployment.



Next option is to change the RightImage MCI you‘re using to a v5 one and relaunch.

时间: 2024-10-06 16:17:02



满足二叉查找树的存储规则. 类似折半查找: import javax.management.remote.rmi._RMIConnectionImpl_Tie; /** * Created by John on 14-5-22. */ public class IntTree { private static class IntTreeNode { private int data; private IntTreeNode leftLink; private IntTreeNode rightL


by hyc 针对Cloud-init的可行性报告 一.Cloud-init研究进展: (1)ubuntu镜像: 已在版本为ubuntu-server-14.04-amd64上实现了修改主机名和用户密码功能.(有详细的安装和操作手册.) (2)windows镜像: 在windows8.1下实现了修改主机名功能,未实现修改用户密码功能.(其原因可能是在创建实例时,输入的脚本文件未启动.) 二.Cloud-init介绍 1.Cloud-init的定义和作用 它是专为云环境中虚拟机的初始化而开发的工具


See the Pen jEWpWm by kujian (@kujian) on CodePen. 1 .room-nav { 2 /* -webkit-animation:roomNavTranslate3d 2s linear infinite; */ 3 -moz-animation: roomNavTranslate3d 2s linear infinite; 4 -ms-animation: roomNavTranslate3d 2s linear infinite; 5 -o-an

python deque的内在实现 本质上就是双向链表所以用于stack、队列非常方便

How collections.deque works? Cosven 前言:在 Python 生态中,我们经常使用 collections.deque 来实现栈.队列这些只需要进行头尾操作的数据结构,它的 append/pop 操作都是 O(1) 时间复杂度.list 的 pop(0) 的时间复杂度是 O(n), 在这个场景中,它的效率没有 deque 高.那 deque 内部是怎样实现的呢? 我从 GitHub 上挖出了 CPython collections 模块的第二个 commit 的