
Role based Authorization? 基于角色的授权

133 of 153 people found this helpful

When an identity is created it may belong to one or more roles, for example Tracy may belong to the Administrator and User roles whilst Scott may only belong to the user role. How these roles are created and managed depends on the backing store of the authorization process. Roles are exposed to the developer through the IsInRole property on the ClaimsPrincipal class.

新建的身份可以属于一个或多个角色,例如,Tracy可属于Administrator和User角色,Whilst Scott可仅属于User角色。如何新建和管理这些角色依靠授权过程是如何存储的。

Adding role checks? 添加角色验证

Role based authorization checks are declarative - the developer embeds them within their code, against a controller or an action within a controller, specifying roles which the current user must be a member of to access the requested resource.


For example the following code would limit access to any actions on the AdministrationController to users who are a member of the Administrator group.

例如下列代码将限制AdministrationController 中的任何一个方法,必须是Administrator 组的成员才可以使用。

[Authorize(Roles = "Administrator")]
public class AdministrationController : Controller

You can specify multiple roles as a comma separated list;


[Authorize(Roles = "HRManager,Finance")]
public class SalaryController : Controller

This controller would be only accessible by users who are members of the HRManager role or the Finance role.

该控制器将仅能被HRManager 角色或 Finance 角色的成员访问。

If you apply multiple attributes then an accessing user must be a member of all the roles specified; the following sample requires that a user must be a member of both the PowerUser and ControlPanelUser role.


[Authorize(Roles = "PowerUser")]
[Authorize(Roles = "ControlPanelUser")]
public class ControlPanelController : Controller

You can further limit access by applying additional role authorization attributes at the action level;


[Authorize(Roles = "Administrator, PowerUser")]
public class ControlPanelController : Controller
    public ActionResult SetTime()

    [Authorize(Roles = "Administrator")]
    public ActionResult ShutDown()

In the previous code snippet members of the Administrator role or the PowerUser role can access the controller and the SetTime action, but only members of the Administrator role can access the ShutDown action.


You can also lock down a controller but allow anonymous, unauthenticated access to individual actions.


public class ControlPanelController : Controller
    public ActionResult SetTime()

    public ActionResult Login()

Policy based role checks? 基于策略的角色检查

Role requirements can also be expressed using the new Policy syntax, where a developer registers a policy at startup as part of the Authorization service configuration. This normally takes part in ConfigureServices() in your Startup.cs file.


public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)

    services.AddAuthorization(options =>
        options.AddPolicy("RequireAdministratorRole", policy => policy.RequireRole("Administrator"));

Policies are applied using the Policy property on the AuthorizeAttribute attribute;


[Authorize(Policy = "RequireAdministratorRole")]
public IActionResult Shutdown()
    return View();

If you want to specify multiple allowed roles in a requirement then you can specify them as parameters to the RequireRole method;


options.AddPolicy("ElevatedRights", policy =>
                  policy.RequireRole("Administrator", "PowerUser", "BackupAdministrator"));

This example authorizes users who belong to the Administrator, PowerUser or BackupAdministrator roles.

这个例子中的授权用户将属于Administrator,PowerUser或者 BackupAdministrator 角色。


时间: 2024-11-07 21:13:50


Security » Authorization » 基于声明的授权

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背景: 一个分析数据库,包含多个产品,全国各个地区的业务数据(比如销售数据等), 要求 1:各个产品负责人查看自己产品的数据 2:各个地区只能查看自己的数据 方案: SQL 2005 有基于角色的授权服务,通过设置产品和地区角色,来控制对数据的访问. 步骤: 0:在域上设置帐号和安全组 建立安全组:产品(mbiproducts),地区(mbidepartment) 如果查看产品.地区数据的账号尚未建立,则建立相应帐号 1:在地区维度和产品维度添加帐号属性(处理数据时应将账户的数据导入该属性)  

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在这篇文章中,我将继续ASP.NET Identity 之旅,这也是ASP.NET Identity 三部曲的最后一篇.在本文中,将为大家介绍ASP.NET Identity 的高级功能,它支持声明式并且还可以灵活的与ASP.NET MVC 授权结合使用,同时,它还支持使用第三方来实现身份验证. 关于ASP.NET Identity 的基础知识,请参考如下文章: ASP.NET MVC 随想录——开始使用ASP.NET Identity,初级篇 ASP.NET MVC 随想录——探索ASP.NE


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