A Tour of Go Exercise: Fibonacci closure

Let‘s have some fun with functions.

Implement a fibonacci function that returns a function (a closure) that returns successive fibonacci numbers.

package main

import "fmt"

// fibonacci is a function that returns
// a function that returns an int.
func fibonacci() func() int {
    before := 0
    now := 0
    return func() int {
        if before == 0 {
            return before
        if now == 0 {
            return now
        temp := now
        now = before + now
        before = temp
        return now

func main() {
    f := fibonacci()
    for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
时间: 2024-08-06 22:44:16

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2017年1月29日,开始学习 golang, 一边学习一边做笔记. ◆ Golang 的开发环境非常容易搭建,双击安装包安装后,设置一个系统变量即可. ◆ 利用当前时间来做随机数的种子. ◆ 教程里说: A nil map has no keys, nor can keys be added. 但是没有给出具体的例子,于是我做了以下试验: var m map[string]int // 构建一个空map m["abc"] = 123 // 对空map添加key fmt.Println