eq相等,smarty 比较操作符!






lte、le 小于等于,

not非, mod求模。

is [not] div by是否能被某数整除,

is [not]even是否为偶数,

$a is [not] even by $b即($a / $b) % 2 == 0,

is [not] odd是否为奇,

$a is not odd by $b即($a / $b) % 2 != 0 示例:

equal/ not equal/ greater than/ less than/ less than or equal/great than or equal/后面的就不用说了

Smarty 中的 if 语句和 php 中的 if语句一样灵活易用,并增加了几个特性以适宜模板引擎. if 必须于 /if 成对出现. 可以使用 else 和 elseif 子句.可以使用以下条件修饰词:eq、ne、neq、gt、lt、lte、le、gte、ge、is even、is odd、is noteven、is not odd、not、mod、div by、even by、oddby、==、!=、>、<、<=、>=.使用这些修饰词时必须和变量或常量用空格格开.

Example 7-11. if statements

例 7-11. if 语句演示

{if $name eq "Fred"}

Welcome Sir.

{elseif $name eq "Wilma"}

Welcome Ma‘am.


Welcome, whatever you are.


{* an example with "or" logic *}

{if $name eq "Fred" or $name eq "Wilma"}



{* same as above *}

{if $name == "Fred" || $name == "Wilma"}



{* the following syntax will NOT work, conditional qualifiers

must be separated from surrounding elements by spaces *}

{if $name=="Fred" || $name=="Wilma"}



{* parenthesis are allowed *}

{if ( $amount < 0 or $amount > 1000 )and $volume >= #minVolAmt#}



{* you can also embed php function calls *}

{if count($var) gt 0}



{* test if values are even or odd *}

{if $var is even}



{if $var is odd}



{if $var is not odd}



{* test if var is divisible by 4 *}

{if $var is div by 4}



{* test if var is even, grouped by two. i.e.,

0=even, 1=even, 2=odd, 3=odd, 4=even, 5=even, etc. *}

{if $var is even by 2}



{* 0=even, 1=even, 2=even, 3=odd, 4=odd, 5=odd, etc. *}

{if $var is even by 3}


时间: 2024-10-12 02:11:39

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Smarty中模板eq相等 ne、neq不相等, gt大于, lt小于

eq相等   ne.neq不相等,   gt大于, lt小于 gte.ge大于等于   lte.le 小于等于   not非   mod求模   is [not] div by是否能被某数整除   is [not] even是否为偶数   is [not] even by $b即($a / $b) % 2 == 0   is [not] odd是否为奇   is not odd by $b即($a / $b) % 2 != 0 示例: equal/ not equal/ greater than