App Store Keywords – How To Choose The Right Terms


Here are some helpful tips in picking keywords for your app:

The keywords field in iTunes Connect is limited to 100 characters so make sure to maximize this.
You can use single words or multi-word phrases but make sure to separate multiple keywords with commas.
Do not repeat keywords. Don’t include your company name and your app name in your keywords since you are already searchable in the App Store with these terms.
Do your homework by trying out what search results will come out with your chosen keywords. This will inform you of the competition that you are up against.
Choose as many keywords as possible but avoid overly used ones. When you use generalized keywords, several results will come out and your app might get lost in that long list. The fewer apps using similar keywords would mean less competition in search engine results and a higher chance for your app to be found.
Relevant keywords are essential. While extremely unique keywords seem interesting, they won’t help your app unless they are relevant. Unrelated keywords can affect your search relevancy in the App Store as it can lower your search engine ranking in your app’s genre. Apple does not allow keywords that are offensive or refer to other products or trademarks. Your app can be rejected if you use these prohibited terms.
If your app is available in several languages, make sure to submit keywords covering these languages to make your app searchable in those other places too.
Aim for perfection in optimization and spelling. You can only edit your keywords when you upload a new version or when your app is rejected. Apple reviews your keywords along with your app so you are not at liberty to change them anytime you please.
Don’t guess. Use programs like Google’s AdWords keyword planner, SensorTower, SearchManHQ, and AppCodes to identify and compare the popularity of specific keywords. It will help you get an idea of what people look for online in relation to the subject matter of your app.
TIP: Its important to pick keywords that help define your app, but don’t pick keywords that will clash with the masses. Keywords should be searchable, but also have low competition. Try longtail keywords such as phrases people may search for.

Yeah, there is a lot you need to remember with keywords. For more in-depth tutorials on how to choose the right keywords, check out our ASO course.

时间: 2025-01-01 17:44:36

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