Rendering terrains with Managed DirectX翻译

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D3D9.0c SDK








 1 float4x4 WorldViewProj;float4 light;
 2 void Transform(
 3     in float4 inPos     : POSITION0,
 4     in float2 inCoord     : TEXCOORD0,
 5     in float4 blend     : TEXCOORD1,
 6     in float3 normal     : NORMAL, float4x4 WorldViewProj;float4 light;
 7 void Transform(
 8     in float4 inPos     : POSITION0,
 9     in float2 inCoord     : TEXCOORD0,
10     in float4 blend     : TEXCOORD1,
11     in float3 normal     : NORMAL,
12     out float4 outPos     : POSITION0,
13     out float2 outCoord     : TEXCOORD0,
14     out float4 Blend     : TEXCOORD1,
15     out float3 Normal     : TEXCOORD2,
16     out float3 lightDir     : TEXCOORD3 )
17 {
18     outPos = mul(inPos, WorldViewProj);
19     outCoord = inCoord;
20     Blend = blend;
21     Normal = normalize(mul(normal,WorldViewProj));
22     lightDir = - light;
23 }
25     out float4 outPos     : POSITION0,
26     out float2 outCoord     : TEXCOORD0,
27     out float4 Blend     : TEXCOORD1,
28     out float3 Normal     : TEXCOORD2,
29     out float3 lightDir     : TEXCOORD3 )
30 {
31     outPos = mul(inPos, WorldViewProj);
32     outCoord = inCoord;
33     Blend = blend;
34     Normal = normalize(mul(normal,WorldViewProj));
35     lightDir = - light;
36 }

它非常接近C函数,除了语法中的Input、output变量名字。通过应用程序传入顶点数据,顶点着色器输出output。你可能已经注意到TEXCOORD被用了好多次,那是因为TEXCOORD可以被用来传输应用程序的特殊数据,并非是位置和顶点法线(不就是纹理坐标啦,作者好啰嗦)。HLSL包含许多数学算法,如mul(),normalize()。完整的列表详见MSDN。欲知更多HLSL的细节,我建议你自己百度,因为网上有很多好东西,如果我说的过多,这篇文章就会变的too long。(:p,忍不住吐槽,作者真的好啰嗦)。

我将简单的说明顶点着色器是干嘛的。首先,传入的顶点乘以模型视图投影矩阵。这样顶点就从局部坐标系转换到视图坐标系下了。输入的纹理坐标和blend变量将会传入像素着色器。顶点法线同样需要变换并变成单位向量。最后,(这句话好长,容我好好理解) At last, the direction of the light is calculated by subtracting the position of the light from the position of the vector in world space (in this case, world space is the same as object space since there isn’t any translation, rotation, or scaling) to pass it to the pixelshader.。


 1 Texture Texture1;
 2 Texture Texture2;
 4 sampler samp1 = sampler_state { texture = <Texture1>;
 5 minfilter = LINEAR; mipfilter = LINEAR; magfilter = LINEAR;};
 6 sampler samp2 = sampler_state { texture = <Texture2>;
 7 minfilter = LINEAR; mipfilter = LINEAR; magfilter = LINEAR;};
 8 float4 TextureColor(
 9     in float2 texCoord     : TEXCOORD0,
10     in float4 blend     : TEXCOORD1,
11     in float3 normal     : TEXCOORD2,
12     in float3 lightDir     : TEXCOORD3) : COLOR0
13 {
14     float4 texCol1 = tex2D(samp1, texCoord*4) * blend[0];
15     float4 texCol2 = tex2D(samp2, texCoord) * blend[1];
16     return (texCol1 + texCol2) * (saturate(dot(normalize(normal),
17                       normalize(light)))* (1-ambient) + ambient);
18 }


Back to C#


 1 VertexElement[] v = new VertexElement[]
 2 {
 3     new VertexElement(0,0,DeclarationType.Float3,DeclarationMethod.Default,
 4         DeclarationUsage.Position,0),
 5     new VertexElement(0,12,DeclarationType.Float3,DeclarationMethod.Default,
 6         DeclarationUsage.Normal,0),
 7     new VertexElement(0,24,DeclarationType.Float2,DeclarationMethod.Default,
 8         DeclarationUsage.TextureCoordinate,0),
 9     new VertexElement(0,32,DeclarationType.Float4,DeclarationMethod.Default,
10         DeclarationUsage.TextureCoordinate,1),
11     VertexElement.VertexDeclarationEnd
12 };
14 decl = new VertexDeclaration(device,v);


 1 public struct Vertex
 2 {
 3     Vector3 pos;
 4     Vector3 nor;
 5     float tu,tv;
 6     float b1,b2,b3,b4;
 7     public Vertex(Vector3 p,Vector3 n,
 8         float u,float v,float B1,float B2,
 9         float B3, float B4, bool normalize)
10     {
11         pos = p;nor = n;tu = u;tv = v;
12         b1=B1; b2=B2; b3=B3;b4 = B4;
13         float total = b1 + b2 + b3 + b4;
14         if ( normalize)
15         {
16             b1 /= total;
17             b2 /= total;
18             b3 /= total;
19             b4 /= total;
20         }
21     }
22     public static VertexFormats Format =
23        VertexFormats.Position | VertexFormats.Normal |
24        VertexFormats.Texture0 | VertexFormats.Texture1;
25 }



1 String s = null;
3 effect = Effect.FromFile(device, @"..\..\simple.fx", null,
4 ShaderFlags.None, null, out s);
5 if ( s != null)
6 {
7     MessageBox.Show(s);
8     return;
9 }

因为我们不能debug一个shader,所以当你有个地方type incorrectly,你可能需要好久才能找到what’s wrong。避免我们使用重载的effect constructor,因为那将会引起编译错误。因此,除非你编译shader失败,重载将会成功。(我勒个去,什么玩意啊)。总之,如果这个地方有个问题,MESSAGEBOX将会显示这些错误。

Well 除了有关点的类之外,app同样还有地形类,这个类读取所有的位图数据并创建顶点缓存和索引缓存,我们规定地形的最小和最大值to the constructor。并且弄清能达到的最小和最大值。我们得到最亮和最暗的像素。每个位图的像素就是一个顶点,将顶点连接起来就会将四边形划分为三角形,形成一个三角形list。DRAW函数被调用的时候effect.beginscene已经被调用了。Effect.BeginScene告诉effect我们要开始接收东西渲染了。Effect.EndScene将会停止处理顶点数据。另外,the VertexDeclaration, VertexBuffer, and IndexBuffer are set, and theDrawPrimitives is finally called.。


1 effect.SetValue("Texture1", t1);


1 EffectHandle handle = effect.GetParameter(null,"ambient"); 2 effect.SetValue(handle,0.5f);


So, variables that have to be assigned only once, can be assigned using the first way, but if a variable is changed multiple times, it would be better to use the second way. Note that this doesn’t only work with variables but also on techniques. With a technique, you choose which shaders you want to use; since an Effect file can contain multiple vertex- and pixelshaders, every HLSL file must have at least one technique. A technique is declared as follows:

 1 technique TransformTexture
 3 {
 5     pass P0
 7     {
 9         VertexShader = compile vs_2_0 Transform();
11         PixelShader = compile ps_2_0 TextureColor();
13     }
15 }

A technique consists of one or more passes, in this case, only one with the name P0; and for each pass, you assign a Vertex- and Pixelshader. The compilation target is set (there are quite a lot of versions of HLSL compilers: 1_1, 2_0, 3_0. The higher the version numbers, the more possibilities they offer but the less support there will be among the graphics cards). Transform() and TextureColor() are the names of the vertex- and pixelshaders.

In a pass, you can also set RenderState values. If you would like to set the Device.RenderState.Cullmode toCull.None, you would have to insert this line as the first line of the pass:

1 CullMode = None;

时间: 2024-08-09 14:43:24

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