

时间: 2024-08-07 00:16:04


UVA 题目11292 Dragon of Loowater

Problem C: The Dragon of Loowater Once upon a time, in the Kingdom of Loowater, a minor nuisance turned into a major problem. The shores of Rellau Creek in central Loowater had always been a prime breeding ground for geese. Due to the lack of predato

POJ 题目1145/UVA题目112 Tree Summing(二叉树遍历)

Tree Summing Time Limit: 1000MS   Memory Limit: 10000K Total Submissions: 8132   Accepted: 1949 Description LISP was one of the earliest high-level programming languages and, with FORTRAN, is one of the oldest languages currently being used. Lists, w


uva好像经常连不上,可以移步到virtual judge做题.列出来的题我都做过,可以在我博客中找到相关的解题报告. 本文章保持更新. 水题会用蓝色字体标明. 字符串类题目: 401 10010 10361 537 409 10878 10815 644 10115


ARM芯片手册相关英语 overview         概述 DAT                 data(数据) CON                control(控制) parity                奇偶校验 odd parity        奇校验 even parity        偶校验 trigger               触发 infrared             红外线 poll                   查询 generated 


题目 Volume 0. Getting Started 开始10055 - Hashmat the Brave Warrior 10071 - Back to High School Physics 10300 - Ecological Premium 458 - The Decoder 494 - Kindergarten Counting Game 414 - Machined Surfaces 490 - Rotating Sentences 445 - Marvelous Mazes


1.微小的,极小的  tiny 2.封装  footprints 3.对齐   align 4.等距分布   distribute  equally 5.查找范围   consider objects in 6.连接检测  connection matrix 7.生成分类  classes generation 8.违背,违反,错误  violation 9.设置  containing 10.致命的,严重的  fatal 11.注释  annotate 12.处理顺序  order of pr

UVA 题目760 DNA Sequencing (后缀数组求两个串最长公共子串,字典序输出)

 DNA Sequencing  A DNA molecule consists of two strands that wrap around each other to resemble a twisted ladder whose sides, made of sugar and phosphate molecules, are connected by rungs of nitrogen-containing chemicals called bases. Each strand is

UVA 题目1223 - Editor(后缀数组求出现次数超过两次的最长子串的长度)

Mr. Kim is a professional programmer. Recently he wants to design a new editor which has as many functions as possible. Most editors support a simple search function that finds one occurrence (or all occurrences successively) of a query pattern strin


1.屠杀   slaughter 2.气味,香味,线索,嗅觉  scent 3.擦过,勉强通过,擦痕  scrape 4.刚性的,严厉的    rigid 5.骚乱,暴动.   riot 6.讽刺的  sarcastic 7.微不足道的  negligible 8.使充满,使湿透,饱和脂肪酸  saturate 9.奖金,额外费用,保险费   premium 10.细丝,灯丝  filament 11.熄火,压制,止渴  quench 12.冲  rush 13.轻率的,皮疹  rash 14.